
UConn Magazine: Our American Girls

What do you do with a history doctorate and a pop culture obsession? If you’re these two alums, you create a hit podcast centering on ’90s nostalgia.

To protect consumers, the FDA needs to strike a balance between quickly getting lifesaving drugs out to market and rigorously ensuring their safety.

The FDA’s Weak Drug Manufacturing Oversight is a Potentially Deadly Problem

The loss of tens of millions of COVID-19 vaccine doses due to poor manufacturing oversight underscores the value of inspections

The Green Bank Telescope in West Virginia.

NSF Funds NANOGrav Physics Frontiers Center

A UConn researcher will investigate how supermassive black holes, a billion times the mass of our sun, merge

Climate models predict that Long Island Sound will rise 20 inches in the next 30 years. On the left, the image shows a typical flood plus 20 inches; on the right, a 100 year flood similar to Hurricane Sandy, plus 20 inches. The color scale shows the flood water level: green < 0.5 feet (0.5’), yellow is between 0.5’ and 1’, orange between 1’ and 2’, and red is flooding over 2’. Flooding at the 2’ level washes away cars and SUVs and undermines many structures.

For Future Flood Control, Cities Need Strategy

What we consider a 100-year event is a conservative version of a 10-year event plus 20 inches—what will be a normal flood in 2050

The oak leaf seal of the University of Connecticut.

UConn Adopts Budgets for Fiscal Year 2022

UConn is not increasing students’ charges in the coming year for room, board, or the General University Fee

Neag Foundation Gift Supports Transformative Research at UConn School of Medicine

UConn School of Medicine received a gift of $7 million from the Neag Foundation to fund high-risk/high-reward research

A new exhibit at the Ballard Institute and Museum of Puppetry demonstrates the medium's ability to address complex social issues.

Ballard Museum Exhibition Examines ‘Puppetry’s Racial Reckoning’

A new exhibit inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement and national conversation about racism

UConn’s TIP Digital Brings Disruptive Companies On Board in First Months

Within its first months of operation, UConn's data science incubator, TIP Digital in Stamford, has brought on a dozen companies who are using machine learning to create novel solutions

Flies smell using their antennae, and learning more about how that works yields important information for researchers.

Odd Smell: Flies Sniff Ammonia in a Way New to Science

Understanding how insects sense odors could help out humans and crops

headshots of nine people

UConn Scholars Earn Gilman and CLS Scholarships

The scholarships demonstrate the inclusive opportunities available for every UConn student to develop intercultural competencies