uconn.edu Homepage
Rising to the Challenge: Students
A review of some student highlights over the past 12 months.
December 23, 2014 | Combined Reports
A Dynamic Community: UConn in 2014
A look at UConn’s evolving community during 2014.
December 22, 2014 | Combined Reports
Decking the Halls
Celebrate the year's successes as part of the UConn family this Husky holiday season.
December 4, 2014 | Angelina Reyes
Adding Heft to Anti-Bullying Campaigns
The latest in a series about the cutting-edge research on obesity happening at UConn.
December 3, 2014 | David Bauman
Fighting for Females: The Evolution of a Hummingbird
New research from UConn explores how hummingbirds' beaks have evolved as weapons.
November 3, 2014 | Christine Buckley
Immune Response Key to Beating Ebola
Is medicine on the verge of getting the upper hand against the Ebola virus? An infectious diseases physician at UConn Health discusses the potential for therapy and vaccines.
October 30, 2014 | , and Chris DeFrancesco '94 (CLAS)
Blending Faith and Science to Combat Obesity
Part of a semester-long series exploring obesity research by UConn faculty.
October 29, 2014 | Tom Breen
Increasing Diversity in Talented and Gifted Programs
UConn’s Neag School of Education receives top funding for talented and gifted research.
October 16, 2014 | Colin Poitras
UConn Alum Pledges Total of $8 Million for Soccer Complex
Together with a previous $3 million gift, the donor's total pledge of $8 million is the largest gift to date for UConn Athletics.
October 13, 2014 | Kristina Goodnough, UConn Foundation
JAX Genomic Medicine Opens at UConn Health
The partnership with The Jackson Laboratory, which fosters collaborations with UConn scientists, is the first return on the state’s investment in Bioscience Connecticut.
October 7, 2014 | Combined Reports