UConn Magazine

Professors Patricia Rossi and Spencer Nyholm offer a class that's a gateway into the world of microbiology.

UConn Magazine: The Microbe Hunters

A coveted class explores the unseen life all around us

Raina Jain is blending science and entrepreneurship to make the world a better place.

UConn Magazine: Bee Good

'Raina is different. She has the eye of the tiger, she has the thing you cannot teach, so you just try to support it'

Laura Sheehan ’85 (SFA) in "The Merry Wives of Windsor."

UConn Magazine: We Are But Players

Thirty years of interpreting the Bard began in a UConn classroom

Adrienne Bruce ’22 (CLAS) decided to learn Korean during the early weeks of the pandemic.

UConn Magazine: Speaking the Language

What to do when at home during a pandemic? Learn a new language, of course

Connecticut Foodshare CEO Jason Jakubowski '99 (CLAS), '01 MPA.

UConn Magazine: ‘You Change the Way You Live When You’re Hungry’

Connecticut Foodshare CEO Jason Jakubowski '99 (CLAS), '01 MPA talks about the challenges of keeping people fed during a global pandemic

Matt Smith '92 manages what may be America's preeminent listening room.

UConn Magazine: Nightclub Confidential

'People walked out of here beaming'

An illustrated map of UConn by alumna Margaret Kimball.

UConn Magazine: And Now I Spill the UConn Secrets

A Private Map of UConn in the Mid-2000s

UConn Magazine: Rise Up

Breaking bread is about more than just eating

 Leigh Ann Curl ’85 (CLAS) has been head orthopedic surgeon for the Baltimore Ravens since 1998.

UConn Magazine: Curling

'Every sport has its own injury profile. The goal is to drive a reduction of injury risks and a reduction of injury burden'

Jonathan the Husky poses for a photo near a marquee announcing UConn's return to the Big East athletic conference outside Madison Square Garden in Manhattan on June 27, 2019.

UConn Magazine: Big East Bonanza

It's good to be home