
The class of 2021 shows off their residency placements.

Fourth Year Dental Students Look Forward to Next Chapter

Due to the pandemic, the celebratory event known Match Day at the UConn School of Dental Medicine looked different from previous years.

Photo of a house with a UConn Nation flag flying

Home for the Holidays

This year, many of us can only be together in spirit – but that spirit is strong. UConn Pride brings us together, wherever we happen to be.

UConn Dairy Bar's popular turkey dinner ice cream pie

A Thanksgiving Treat

Happy Thanksgiving, UConn Nation! UConn Dairy Bar's popular turkey dinner ice cream pie is a deliciously unique way to cap off a Thanksgiving meal.

The word thank you sprawled out across horsebarn hill at sunset

Thank You, UConn

Unprecedented challenges call for unprecedented perseverance, and in the Fall of 2020, that’s what characterized UConn Nation’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

Holidays at UConn: Reviving a Hartford Tradition

UConn Hartford revives a beloved capital city tradition with carol singing on the steps of the historic Hartford Times building.

The costumed mascot Jonathan rides a sled pulled by real dogs on a snowy Horsebarn Hill.

The Legend of Jonathan

Join Jonathan on his magical holiday journey across the length and breadth of UConn Nation.

A deep fryer with a turkey inside burns while a UConn fire truck sits in the background.

Don’t Fry This At Home (Without Watching This First)

UConn firefighters offer tips on avoiding the most common cause of home-cooking fires on Thanksgiving Day.

A still frame from a video about international student Zekun Jiang shows her facing the camera and smiling

‘UConn is My Home in America’

Zekun Jiang '20 talks about why she chose to come to UConn, and how the University has made this international student feel at home.

(Ethan Giorgetti/UConn Photo)

Meet Dr. David Ozimek, Primary Care Physician

Forming long-term relationships with patients is important, says Dr. David Ozimek of UConn Health.

As Susan Herbst prepares to complete her presidency, faculty, staff, students, and alumni reflect on the impact she has had on the UConn community over the past eight years. (Peter Morenus/UConn File Photo)

Thank You, President Herbst

As Susan Herbst prepares to complete her presidency, faculty, staff, students, and alumni reflect on the impact she has had on the UConn community over the past eight years.