
From left: Candy Pettigrew, Pam Miles, Sandy Kressner, Steve Jacobs and Patti Wawzyniecki at the time capsule ceremony on September 12, 2011. (Janine Gelineau/UConn Health Center Photo)

UConn Health Center Preserves the Present and Looks Forward to the Future

A time capsule was buried in the courtyard as part of the year-long 50th anniversary celebration.

President Herbst

Introducing UConn President Susan Herbst

Hear the University’s 15th President as she describes her own personal history and her vision for the future of UConn.

Perspectives on Leadership and Human Rights After 9/11

Political science faculty discuss how Bush, Blair, and Rumsfeld responded to 9/11 and what it has meant for human rights around the globe.

Accents coach David Stern.

Learning Accents with David Alan Stern

Dramatic arts professor David Alan Stern teaches 25 different accents. Here's how he does it.

Ice cream

How It’s Made: UConn Dairy Bar Ice Cream

An inside look at how the Dairy Bar makes its famous ice cream.

Summertime Asthma Triggers – What You Can Do to Prevent an Attack

Summertime can be prime time for asthma attacks. More Americans than ever before say they are suffering from asthma. In fact, asthma and allergies impact 1 out of 4 Americans. It is one of this country’s most common and costly diseases. Health Center pulmonologist, Dr. Jennifer Kanaan, says certain summertime triggers can prompt an asthma […]

Mary Edwards, A Whale ship was her Ivy league.

A Whale Ship Was Her Ivy League

A maritime studies professor shows us the ropes of turn-of-the-century whaling ships.

Managing Pain Caused by Summer Sports

People who are sedentary most of the winter may overdo it once the nice weather arrives. Dr. Thomas DeBerardino, sports medicine expert at the Health Center’s New England Musculoskeletal Institute, says you need to take seriously the soreness and pain caused by summer sports activities. So what do you do to feel better? The basics […]

Enhancing Clinical Care

This story is the seventh of a multi-part series on the history of the Health Center. The entire series can be read at the Health Center’s 50th Anniversary website. [yframe url=’’] Over the years, the University of Connecticut Health Center has been instrumental in enhancing clinical care in the state through the John Dempsey Hospital and […]

Beware of Bug Season

[yframe url=’’] Mosquitoes, biting flies, and ticks can cause annoying bites and sometimes a serious disease. Mosquito bites can spread infections such as West Nile virus, a virus that causes swelling of the brain (encephalitis), and Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE). Tick bites can cause serious diseases such as Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Bites from biting […]