Research & Discovery

Crawford (Tim) Elder, professor of philosophy, CLAS

If You’re Reading This, Are You Real?

In his new book, a UConn philosophy professor wrestles with the age-old problem of what is real.

New Technology Aims for Early Detection

A Small Business Innovation research grant helps open doors to new diagnostic technology for researcher Michael Lynes, professor of molecular and cell biology, and his associates.

A Better Way to Photo Gray

UConn researchers have developed a new technology to make instant color-change lenses.

Why Fireflies Blink in Synch

A UConn researcher has developed a theory to explain why fireflies flash in unison.

Glowing Squid Thrive in Symbiotic Relationship

Glowing squid help scientists learn about the immune system. They look neat, too.

Investigating the Growth of Biofilms

Leonela Villegas and Jinzi Deng have combined their mutual interests.

Compression Suits Provide Competitive Advantage

A UConn researcher finds that compression suits enhance athletic performance.

Study Finds Antidepressants May Help in Treating Schizophrenia

Study finds increasing use of antidepressants in treating schizophrenia.

Getting Close with Baby

A study of skin-to-skin contact with preemies shows long-term benefits for mothers, babies.

Connecticut Highways Among Nation’s Safest

An analysis of federal highway stats indicates the roads in New England are relatively safe.