
The Parent App: A Neag Alum’s Guide to Better Moms and Dads

In a world of “tiger moms,” timid moms and “helicopter parents,” a Neag School alumnus offers a thoughtful and proven middle ground.  Thomas McIntyre, who earned his Ph.D. in Special Education from the Neag School in 1981, dispenses advice to teachers and parents of youngsters with behavior challenges through his popular website,  The site offers a […]

Alumni Association Launches Membership Drive

Bob Kaufman and Jonathan the Husky call on alumni worldwide to ‘Join the Pack.’

Journalism Graduate Reports on Hazards of Covering Iraq War

When Eric Owles earned his degree in 1998, online journalism was in its infancy. Times have changed.

UConn Alum Must be Prepared for Anything, 24/7

Colleen Flanagan, Gov. Malloy’s communications director, constantly has to think on her feet.

Husky Alumni and Fans Gather in Phoenix

Amid unseasonably cold local weather, alumni and fans express warm affection for the Huskies.

Alumni Couple Create Biomedical Engineering Professorship

A gift from two alums will establish a professorship on the 'new frontier' of science.

Alumni Tailgate Honors Armed Forces

The UConn Alumni Association is sponsoring an Armed Forces Alumni Tailgate on Sept. 11.

Alumni Association Collecting Flashlights for Chile Schoolchildren

The Alumni Association is collecting flashlights for Chile in the aftermath of the recent earthquake. Donations may be dropped at Alumni House or Student Union 302. Photo by Jess Tommaselli

Alumni Couple to Leave Estate to Fine Arts School

A bequest will perpetuate the Stentafords’ legacy of support for arts, education, and UConn.

Alumni Association Announces New Members of Board of Directors

STORRS, Conn. – The University of Connecticut Alumni Association has announced new and returning members of the Board of Directors for fiscal year 2009-2010. The Board of Directors is the association’s governing body, and is elected by the Alumni Association membership. This year, four new members were elected to the board: Steve Blovish, ’80, ’84, […]