
Evan Wolfgang '25 (SFA) at the James A. Garfield National Historic Site in Mentor, Ohio

To the Lordy: UConn Student Crafting Dramatic Parable Based on Life of Notorious Assassin

'Never before have I had so much support for a project. I have so many enthusiastic voices around me'

Ecology compost supply - kitchen waste recycling in backyard composter. The man throws leftover vegetables from the cutting board.

UConn and Fort Hays State University Compete in Werth Innovation for Sustainability Challenge

Both teams presented compelling projects focused on compost solutions

Illustrations of miscellaneous icons over a word bubble

UConn Magazine: If They’d Known Then…

Remember those rising first-years of the Class of 2024, whose touching, eager, and sometimes prophetic admissions essays we shared on the cover of our Fall 2020 issue? We wondered how those historic four years turned out for them — and where they are now

UConn basketball fans in Gampel Pavilion.

The Wait is Over: It’s Basketball Time

With men's and women's seasons starting this week, UConn students are ready to cheer on their teams

Colin Clive holding torch before the monster Boris Karloff in a scene from the film 'Frankenstein', 1931.

‘It’s Alive!’ (and Guilty?): Student Considers Whether Frankenstein’s Monster Could Be Held Liable in Court of Law

'Legal personhood is a status, which means someone has rights and privileges but can also be held responsible for their actions'

Husky Back on Football Field Thanks to UConn Health Sports Medicine

The team physicians from UConn Health help maximize performance, prevent injuries, and get UConn athletes back on the field or court after illness or injury

Month of Discovery: Undergraduate Researcher Krithika Santhanam

Krithika Santhanam is using her individualized major at UConn to take advantage of research opportunities at the University

The UConn Panhellenic Council at the Northeast Greek Leadership Association in February 2024.

UConn’s Panhellenic Council Recognized with National Excellence Award

'Panhellenic brings out the best in people'


QuantumUP! a Hackathon Opportunity for Non-STEM Students

The statewide contest challenges teams to explore depth of quantum technology and how it will shape the future

UConn alum Emilia Kwasniak at her job at Nickelodeon.

Three UConn Business Students/Alums Helped Shape Network News, Entertainment Industry This Year

‘When I walk into work every day I think: This job was made for me'