
UConn Health Pioneering Innovative Limb Salvage Procedures

Dr. Justin D’Addario and the vascular team at UConn John Dempsey Hospital are at the forefront of new innovative limb salvage techniques

Borders with Dr. Boutrous.

Patient’s Legs Saved from Amputation by UConn Health Vascular Surgeon

"I am very grateful for my legs. I have Dr. Boutrous to thank and the staff at UConn Health," says Laurice Borders, 77, a very grateful UConn Health patient.

Patients Benefit from Wound Care and Hyperbaric Medicine Services at UConn Health

Dedicated center specializes in advanced, personalized outpatient wound care

The UConn Health Pulse Podcast logo.

Podcast: Listen to Your Limbs

UConn Health’s Dr. Justin D’Addario discusses measures that can be taken to improve poor circulation and ultimately avoid the need for amputation

Two men holding a plaque

American Urology Association Honors Dr. Peter Albertsen

UConn Health’s Urology Division chief accepts Distinguished Contribution Award

UConn Health Minute: Colon Cancer

Colon cancer is a major cancer killer but as UConn Health colorectal surgeon Dr. Alyson Cunningham explains, it is preventable with regular screenings and lifestyle changes.

UConn Health Marks Rare Disease Day

Doctors at UConn Health Celebrate the Successful Journey of Rare Disease Patient Traveling from Brazil to Connecticut for Innovative Surgery.

Maureen Marchetti, and her husband Jim, on Jan. 25 with her UConn Health Vascular Surgeon Dr. Justin D’Addario celebrating her big day of being the first in New England to undergo the DETOUR procedure for severe PAD (UConn Health Photo/Carolyn Pennington).

UConn’s Vascular Surgeons Take DETOUR to Save Woman’s Toes, Foot, and Leg from Peripheral Arterial Disease

Maureen Marchetti was the first patient in New England to be offered an alternative to major open leg artery bypass surgery with a new technology called DETOUR

Dustin Walters, MD, Section Chief for Thoracic Surgery in the Department of Surgery at UConn Health (Tina Encarnacion/UConn Health Photo).

UConn Health Recruits Leader of Thoracic Surgery

Dr. Dustin Walters has been recruited to the Department of Surgery at UConn Health to launch a new program for thoracic surgical care and to grow it to world-class program heights.

Sherri Beck at Hartford Half Marathon with her shirt imprinted with the phrase "Be kind to yourself."

Long COVID Story: Now, Back in the Race

Patient says her care at UConn Health helped her overcome a series of problems that followed a COVID-19 diagnosis and kept her sidelined for 2 ½ years