UConn Health

Sharon Levesque (left) and Kathy Williams are Emergency Department Nurses. Williams is a 2012 Nightingale Award winner; Levesque won a Nightingale Award in 2009. (Janine Gelineau/UConn Health Center Photo)

Health Center Celebrates Its Nurses

National Nurses Week is May 6-12. The annual Nightingale Awards Gala is May 10.

Between 5 and 9 percent of hospital admissions each day are “frequent flyers,” as they are often called. (Shutterstock Photo)

‘Frequent Flyers’ Raise Social, Health Care Economics Concerns

Between 5 and 9 percent of hospital admissions each day are patients who are repeat visitors to the emergency department.

Surprising Signs of Epileptic Seizures

Health Center neurologist Dr. Marie Eugene says patients with epilepsy experience many different symptoms.

Founding faculty members, Drs. Martha Lepow and Naomi Rothfield, were honored during the School of MedicineÕs Group on Women in Medicine and Science Inaugural Ceremony April 30, 2012. (Tina Encarnacion/UConn Health Center Photo)

School of Medicine’s Founding Faculty Members Honored

UConn’s new Group on Women in Medicine and Science honored four women who played an influential role in the school’s history.

(left to right) Dr. Bruce Liang, head of cardiology who served as interim medical school dean, talks with the Health CenterÕs new executive vice president for health affairs and medical school dean, Dr. Frank Torti, during a welcome reception May 2. (Tina Encarnacion/UConn Health Center Photo)

New Health Center EVP, Medical Dean Arrives

The UConn community welcomes Dr. Frank Torti with a reception May 2, which will be followed by a town hall meeting May 8.

Class of 2012: Eric Szafran

The Health Center’s graduate student commencement speaker is passionate about public health.

UConn Health Center May Programs, Events

Here’s what’s happening in May and early June.

Dr. Charles Friedman, University of Michigan's School of Information and Public Health, was the keynote speaker for the third Innovations in Education Symposium on April 24. (Janine Gelineau/UConn Health Center Photo)

Third Innovations in Education Symposium a Big Success

Dr. Charles Friedman, University of Michigan’s School of Information and Public Health, was the keynote speaker.

White Coat Gala – Celebrating 40 Years of Education

A record-breaking $1 million was raised to support the Health Center’s missions of education, research and clinical care.

Shuttle Service Improvements Coming to Health Center

Changes include a student shuttle to off-campus housing and dedicated Munson Road service effective April 30.