Julie (Stagis) Bartucca '10 (BUS, CLAS), '19 MBA

Author Archive

Busy city street full of traffic

Challenging Convention: Human Rights-Centered Engineering at UConn

At UConn, the Engineering for Human Rights Initiative is changing the way our engineers are taught to approach all kinds of projects

polar bear on melting ice

Mitigating Climate Change Extinction

Mitigating Climate Change Extinction Can mapping the big picture pinpoint the most fragile futures? UConn ecology and evolutionary biology professor Mark Urban has crunched the numbers – again – and the results are even clearer: For every degree that global temperatures rise, more species will become extinct. Published in the journal Science in December 2024, […]

Michelle Wax stands in front of large screen while giving TedX talk

UConn Magazine: Waxing Entrepreneurial

For Michelle Wax ‘12 (BUS), happiness means embracing the pivot

visual mashup of photo of UConn basketball players and students in fatigues undergoing training at horsebarn hill in storrs ct

Can We Heal Injured Veterans by Studying Basketball?

Neal Glaviano is acutely aware of knee pain's impact in active duty and reserve-based military units – and is applying knowledge gained from working with UConn's student athletes toward helping active-duty service members and veterans.

Carol McKenzie, a UConn basketball fans, sits in a restaurant with her white husky hand puppet, Jonathan Jr.

UConn Magazine: The Superfans

There's school spirit, and then there's UConn Spirit

Tara Ludlow Hurt standing in a filing room with boxes.

UConn Magazine: Paper Work

As the university archivist at Eastern Connecticut State University, Tara Ludlow Hurt ’94 (CLAS) does the dirty work of rescuing centuries-old documents for posterity

A mother hugging her daughter who had been working as an ICU nurse with strictly COVID prone vented patients for 4–6 weeks straight.

UConn Magazine: Who Tells Our (Pandemic) Story

Too often history is written by the powerful. A UConn anthropologist made sure the story of COVID-19 was chronicled by the rest of us

Eunice Omega standing outside of the Pixar HQ

UConn Magazine: Seeking “Smart with Heart” at Pixar

Eunice Omega says the coolest thing about working at Pixar is the impact

Lynn Bloom, Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor of English, in her office.

UConn Magazine: Eat Your Words

English Professor Emerita Lynn Z. Bloom goes deep on recipes and shares her own, for the best blueberry pie

Amanda Yagan standing by an MRI machine with a laptop showing brain scans

UConn Magazine: Out of the Minds of Babes

Cute kids, brilliant scientists, and exciting trips bring joy for Amanda Yagan ’21 (CLAS) at the Advanced Baby Imaging Lab.