
Dr. Mervyn F. Silverman, Director Of Health for the City and County of San Francisco, displays poster and leaflets during the early years of the HIV/AIDS epidemic.

Looking at the Social Side of COVID-19 Through HIV Research

UConn researchers say the HIV/AIDS epidemic offers important lessons for confronting the COVID-19 pandemic.

President Thomas Katsouleas speaks with Letita Naigles, left, University marshall, and Del Siegle, mace bearer, before the virtual Commencement ceremony broadcast from the Jorgensen Center for the Performing Arts on May 9, 2020.

A Commencement With 9,000 UConn Huskies Present in Spirit

The unique virtual commencement of 2020, captured in images.

A seated man gesturing with both hands while speaking.

Gestures Heard As Well As Seen

A group of UConn researchers has found that body movements can influence how our voices sound.

An opening illustration from Professor Álvaro Lozano-Robledo's YouTube videos on math, entitled "Algebra: What is it good for?"

UConn Professor Uses Social Distancing to Create Math Enthusiasts

UConn mathematics professor Álvaro Lozano-Robledo is responding to social distancing by creating videos that show the fun side of math.

An unilluminated "On Air" light in the closed studio of WHUS.

WHUS Airs New Programming as Staff Records Shows at Home

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced WHUS from their on-campus studio, but original programming continues.

The Journey to International Environmental Policy Starts with a Single Step

UConn Marine Sciences Professor Penny Vlahos discusses her recent experience on a global panel charged with making recommendations to policymakers about pollutants.

A still frame from a video showing trees in bloom at UConn Storrs.

UConn in Bloom

A video essay documents the splendor of the season at UConn Storrs.

A screen showing members of the UConn Choirs performing online.

UConn Choirs Go Virtual with ‘Old Connecticut’ Alma Mater

Unable to perform in their normal venues because of the COVID-19 pandemic, the UConn Choirs have taken to the Internet.

UConn Law Alumni Say Pandemic Brings New Challenges to Legal Aid Work

The COVID-19 pandemic has exacerbated challenges faced by lower-income people in Connecticut, say graduates of the UConn School of Law.

Members of ScHOLA2RS House.

ScHOLA2RS House an Academic, Social Success as First Cohort of its Students Graduate

UConn's innovative ScHOLA2Rs House celebrates a major milestone as members of its first freshman cohort graduate.