UConn Expert Discusses Restraint and Seclusion in Public Schools
Educational psychology professor Brandi Simonsen, an expert on behavioral issues in schools, discusses the use of seclusion and restraint and alternatives to their use.
April 4, 2019 | Jaclyn Severance
‘The Frontier Killers’: Violence in Early America
A visiting fellow at the Humanities Institute is writing a book about America's earliest known serial – or 'spree' – killers, the Harpe brothers.
April 4, 2019 | Kenneth Best
Course Offers Resilience Through Mindfulness
Meditating. Stretching and doing yoga poses. Practicing gratitude. All of these subjects are coursework in a new class at UConn Hartford.
April 3, 2019 | Julie (Stagis) Bartucca '10 (BUS, CLAS), '19 MBA
Citizen Science Shows Climate Change is Rapidly Reshaping Long Island Sound
At 0.45 degrees Celsius per decade, the Long Island Sound is warming four times faster than the global ocean, according to a UConn study based on four decades of data.
April 3, 2019 | Hannes Baumann, Marine Sciences, College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
‘If We Were Birds’ Reflects Long History of Sexual Violence
The Connecticut Repertory Theatre’s modern adaptation of a story from Greek mythology shows that sexual violence has been chronicled for centuries.
April 3, 2019 | Kenneth Best
New Evidence Shows the Evolving Nature of Moss
Using DNA-sequencing technology, a research team including UConn's Bernard Goffinet have reconstructed the family tree of mosses, which go back at least 400 million years.
April 2, 2019 | Elaina Hancock
Engineering Their Future
More than 200 8th grade boys from underrepresented backgrounds attended an event on campus April 1 to learn about key concepts and techniques in science and engineering.
April 2, 2019 | Christopher LaRosa
Autonomous Vehicles: Diverse Group Seeks to Answer Broad Questions
Many societal hopes, fears, and questions that self-driving vehicles raise were discussed during a forum Monday hosted by UConn's Transportation Technology & Society (TTS) Research Group.
April 2, 2019 | Jaclyn Severance
Exploring Furniture as Art
Inspired by this year's UConn Reads book, 'A Game of Thrones,' an exhibition at the Benton Museum presents chairs as sculpture.
April 2, 2019 | Kenneth Best
The Workplace Workaround
A new UConn study found that even in life-or-death emergencies, workplace friendships – and enmities – matter.
April 1, 2019 | Claire Hall