Study Points to Human Impact on Evolution of Freshwater Fish
A UConn study finds that recreational fishing may not be as benign as intended even when fish are returned to the water.
June 3, 2015 | Sheila Foran
Study: Negative Findings for Children of Gay Parents Don’t Hold up to Scrutiny
A new study co-authored by a UConn sociologist says a widely cited study arguing that same-sex parents don't make good parents is seriously flawed.
May 20, 2015 | Kenneth Best
UConn Celebrates Start of Construction on Downtown Hartford Campus
A groundbreaking ceremony in Hartford on May 18 marked the return of the campus to its urban roots.
May 18, 2015 | Stephanie Reitz
The Right Time and Place for 70-year-old Graduate
At age 65, with no college credits, Walter Block enrolled at UConn Stamford; now 72, he will receive a BA in history this Commencement.
May 1, 2015 | Lauren Lalancette
Construction to Begin at Downtown Hartford Campus
The Board of Trustees has approved a $115 million design budget to begin construction work at the main building that will anchor UConn Hartford.
April 30, 2015 | David Bauman
#StandWithUConn: Lawmakers Urged to Support University Budget
At an event at the State Capitol last week, speakers made the case for UConn's budget.
April 15, 2015 | Peter Morenus
New Ways of Monitoring Human Rights
Law and human rights scholar Molly Land discusses the impact of new technologies on human rights fact-finding, advocacy, and enforcement.
March 25, 2015 | David Bauman
Evolving to Cope with Climate Change
A UConn marine sciences professor is measuring the potential of an important fish species to adapt to an increasingly acidic ocean.
March 5, 2015 | tmiller
Getting Ahead of Antibiotic-resistant Bacteria
A UConn medicinal chemist has developed software with a colleague at Duke that could help make more resilient antibiotics.
February 5, 2015 | Colin Poitras
Education Expert on Obama’s Free Tuition Proposal
Erik Hines, a specialist in college and career readiness, discusses the President's proposal to offer free community college tuition for two years to qualified high school students.
January 12, 2015 | Colin Poitras