
A Dungeness crab scuttling across a boardwalk. The life cycle of the Dungeness crab offers lessons on potential effects of climate change for other species.

Understanding How a Crab’s Complex Life Cycle Will Respond to Climate Change

Research with implications for species under stress from a warming planet

Mo giving a presentation at the Aspen Center for Physics in February 2020.

A Physics Ph.D. Student’s Step-By-Step Journey to Storrs and Distant Galaxies

Seeing far in the distance, even without a telescope

Brunna Louzada '22 (SFA), left, and Kate Gavilanes '22 (CLAS) paint a banner for the the homecoming parade at the Puerto Rican / Latin American Cultural Center on Oct. 1, 2021.

National Hispanic Heritage Month Puts Focus on Latinx Experience at UConn

The Latinx community at UConn is supported by a number of different entities, all of them working closer than ever to provide one solid support network

Muireann Nic Corcrain is a Fulbright Scholar from Ireland Teaching the Irish language at UConn.

An Bhfuil Gaeilge Agat?: Fulbright Scholar Helps Bring Irish Language and Culture to UConn

Muireann Nic Corcráin is spending the year at UConn teaching the Irish language - and spreading the culture of the Emerald Isle.

olympic monument near gampel pavillion

Monument Will Honor UConn’s Proud Olympic History

The names of 50 Olympians with UConn ties will be on the monument - with plenty of room for more as time goes on

Conquering a Curse: A Student’s UConn Success Story – that Almost Wasn’t

'Every day I’d wake up and be like, is this one step closer to not being able to finish?'

Mansfield Apartments, Building 9 on Jan. 14, 2019.

UConn Reviews Redeveloping Mansfield Apartments to Provide More Modern Housing

The 1940s-era buildings no longer meet the needs of UConn's student population

The main administration building at Storrs Agricultural School, which later became known as 'Old Main.' Located roughly where Wilbur Cross stands today, Old Main was razed in 1927.

Marking 140 Years of Classes at Storrs

We've come a long way since 1881

UConn Stamford Professor, Human Rights Filmmaker Wins Emmy Award

Oscar Guerra says the multidisciplinary partnerships at UConn expand the reach and depth of his work

Elijah Taitel (above) showing off his creation, the ProVelcocity Bat. (contributed photo)

The Next Inning: Student’s Company Prepares to Sell New Iteration of Baseball-Training Invention

'Not too long ago I was tinkering with a wooden dowel and some PVC pipe, and now that product is being sold worldwide'