CT Sea Grant-led Project Looks to Unlock Potential of Seaweed Industry
The UConn Avery Point-based program will lead efforts on the East and West coasts to boost commercial seaweed harvesting.
January 28, 2021 | Judy Benson, Connecticut Sea Grant
UConn Researcher Finds Family Support Key to LGBTQ+ Student Wellbeing During Pandemic
Support from parents is a key indicator of whether LGTBQ+ college students are experiencing higher levels of stress during the COVID-19 pandemic.
January 27, 2021 | Anna Zarra Aldrich '20 (CLAS), Office of the Vice President for Research
UConn Researcher Develops Town-Level Model for COVID-19 in Connecticut
UConn researchers have created the first COVID-19 model to focus on the town, rather than the state or national level.
January 26, 2021 | Anna Zarra Aldrich '20 (CLAS), Office of the Vice President for Research
School of Nursing Ranks Among Top 15 Online Master’s Programs for 2021
U.S. News & World Report placed the School as tied for No. 14 in online nursing master's programs around the country, and it came in second among such programs in New England.
January 26, 2021 | Tom Breen
When Looking at Species Declines, Nuances and Long-term Data Are Important
How a claim about the impact of climate change on insect populations in Puerto Rico didn't quite match the data.
January 26, 2021 | Tom Breen
Researchers Collaborate to Study Impact of Ocean Acidification on Northeast Fisheries, Develop Management Tools
A multi-institution team led by UConn researchers is using computer modeling and biological research to help northeast scallop fisheries facing the threat of ocean acidification.
January 25, 2021 | Anna Zarra Aldrich '20 (CLAS), Office of the Vice President for Research
Art, Music Faculty Collaboration Illuminates ‘Paradox in Political Tribalism’
Following a divisive election, a multimedia collaboration asks searching questions about values and principles.
January 22, 2021 | Tom Breen
Why Do Presidential Inaugurations Matter?
Ceremonies speak directly to some of our basic instincts, triggering intuitions about their efficacy, symbolism, and importance.
January 20, 2021 | Dimitris Xygalatas, Associate Professor of Anthropology and Psychological Sciences
Age Provides a Buffer to Pandemic’s Mental Health Impact, UConn Researchers Say
A study by UConn researchers finds that while older adults are more concerned about the risks of COVID-19 than younger adults, they are also less likely to feel anxious or depressed.
January 20, 2021 | Tom Breen
Beetles Reveal How to Hide the Body
A corpse is a home to the burying beetle, and UConn researchers are learning how this specialist critter keeps its home free of unwanted visitors.
January 19, 2021 | Tom Breen