UConn Storrs

Mark Brand, left, professor of plant science and landscaping, and Nathan Wojtyna '16 (CAHNR) look over grafted Aronia mitschurinii plants at the Floriculture Greenhouse on May 1, 2015. This project was funded by an IDEA grant. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

Horticulture Student has Fruitful IDEA

With a UConn IDEA grant, Nathan Wojtyna is helping make the Aronia berry commercially viable.

Professor Xiaohui Zhao in his lab on Jan. 29, 2016. (Sean Flynn/UConn Photo)

Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria May Have Met Their Match

UConn researchers have identified a sentinel protein that helps explain why some antibiotics don’t work.

The first UConn course to include an open textbook as part of the initiative will be an introductory chemistry course using an atoms-first approach to teaching chemistry.

UConn Leading State’s Open Textbook Initiative

The goal is to reduce the cost of textbooks and other course-related educational materials.

Sledding down Horsebarn Hill. (Elizabeth Caron/UConn Photo)

#UConnBucketList: February

Look out for the next snowfall and bundle up for a ride down Horsebarn Hill to cross off February's #UConnBucketList challenge.

A dress rehearsal for UConn Opera's presentation of "Hansel and Gretel" at the Jorgensen Center for the Performing Arts on Jan. 27, 2016 with Caroline O’Dwyer ’11 (SFA) as Hansel, Katelyn Lewis ’15 (SFA) as Gretel and Spencer Hamlin ’13 (SFA) as the witch. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

Hansel & Gretel Opera a Very Modern Fairy Tale

UConn Opera's production opening Jan. 30 includes gender role reversals and a witch dressed in pencil skirt and heels.

CTfastrak, Connecticut’s first Bus Rapid Transit system, is a system of bus routes that use a bus-only roadway for all or a portion of the trip.

Transportation Planners to Present Options for CTfastrak to Storrs

DOT representatives will discuss options for a new express bus service to Storrs at the Student Union on Feb. 2 and 3.

George Sugai, professor of educational psychology, speaks during a presentation on hands-off behavioral interventions held at the Legislative Office Building at the state capitol on Jan. 27, 2016. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

Hands Off: Reducing Restraints in Connecticut Schools

Two UConn experts discuss how disruptive student behaviors can be reduced by building a positive school climate.

New mother struggling with depression. (iStock Photo)

Why Pregnant Women Should be Screened for Depression

Nursing professor Cheryl Beck comments on new national guidelines that recommend depression screening for all pregnant and postpartum women.

Indoor athletic facility. (iStock Photo)

UConn to Pursue New Funding Strategy for Athletic Facilities Upgrades

The strategy will allow the University to improve its athletic facilities through philanthropy and a surcharge on non-student tickets.

UConn wordmark.

Trustees Approve Contract with Professional Employees Union

The contract agreed between UCPEA and the University will now be forwarded to the General Assembly.