College of Agriculture, Health & Natural Resources
START Preliminary Proof of Concept Fund Recipients
Through a generous grant from the CTNext Higher Education Fund last year, the Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR) has been administering an early stage translational research funding program called the START Preliminary Proof of Concept Fund. Under the grant, funding is provided to investigators at Central Connecticut State University, Southern Connecticut State […]
September 13, 2019 | Jessica McBride, PhD
Meet new Extension faculty member Bill Davenport
After thirty-three years as an agri-science teacher at Nonnewaug High School in Woodbury, William Davenport has found his way back to his early grounding in 4-H. On July 5, he began work as assistant extension educator in charge of 4-H programing in Litchfield County. Davenport is a graduate of the College, having earned bachelor of […]
September 12, 2019 | Kim Colavito Markesich
Meet graduate student Lauren Kurtz
According to her advisor, Lauren Kurtz is dedicated to her studies. She is also a flexible individual who transitioned successfully from working in environmental education and then water conservation in Colorado to doing hemp research in Connecticut. Here is what she said about UConn. Where did you study as an undergraduate? What was your major? […]
September 5, 2019 | Patsy Evans
Economists’ reports show impacts of Connecticut’s agricultural industries
In 2014, UConn’s Office of the Associate Vice President for Budget, Management and Institutional Research hired outside consultants to conduct a study on the economic impact of UConn in the state of Connecticut. The five-year update is being prepared in-house by a group of UConn experts in a collaboration between the Department of Agricultural and […]
September 5, 2019 | Kim Colavito Markesich
Bridging Science at UConn’s Biophysics Facility
The University of Connecticut houses its very own Biophysics Facility, where expert technicians use specialized equipment to help UConn researchers better understand how biological systems work.
September 4, 2019 | Carson Stifel '21 (CLAS), Office of the Vice President for Research
Meet alumna Brittany Florio
As a student at Glastonbury High School, Brittany Florio was part of the FFA program, where she fell in love with plant science. She was hesitant about attending college but flourished after enrolling in the Ratcliffe Hicks horticulture program. “I didn’t think I was college material, or that I was smart enough or good enough,” […]
August 28, 2019 | Kim Colavito Markesich
New grant expands student environmental work in Connecticut communities
In 1914, Congress passed the Smith-Lever Act to disseminate agricultural knowledge and research-based farming practices to the public through each state’s land-grant institution. Cooperative extension systems were established to share information and work directly in communities. Since then, UConn has developed a variety of educational programs and services that assist local residents in solving problems […]
August 27, 2019 | Jason M. Sheldon
Meet graduate student Monica Marcello
This past spring, Monica Marcello finished her career as a record-setting UConn athlete. While her time as a diver and senior captain for the UConn Women’s Swimming and Diving Team may be over, she has found a new team. As a masters student in nutritional sciences, she is part of an interdisciplinary research project that […]
August 21, 2019 | Jason M. Sheldon
Study-abroad course introduces students to Global One Health
“My mother was born in Belfast, and my father’s family came from the Midlands,” says Sheila Andrew, professor and extension dairy specialist in the Department of Animal Science. Her comments are greeted with a guffaw from Sandra Bushmich, the College’s associate dean for academic programs and a professor in the Department of Pathobiology and Veterinary […]
August 20, 2019 | Kevin Noonan
UConn Receives NSF Grant for ‘Environment Corps’ Project
UConn has received a $2.25 million grant from the National Science Foundation in support of a project entitled “Redefining Public Engagement at the University of Connecticut: Studying the Impact of an Innovative STEM Service Learning Model on the University Community.” The project is aimed at expanding and studying a new public engagement program that combines teaching, service learning, and Extension outreach.
August 12, 2019 | Chet Arnold