College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Children displaced by fighting in South Sudan stand outside a tented school run by UNICEF. (UNICEF Photo)

Addressing the Global Impact of Violence on Children

A family studies professor says intervention is needed at a very early age to avoid perpetuating the effects of war and other forms of violence.

A computer image of a self-assembling protein nanoparticle that relies on rigid protein structures called 'coiled coils' (blue and green in the image) to create a stable framework upon which scientists can attach malaria parasite antigens. (Image courtesy of Peter Burkhard)

UConn Researcher’s Nanoparticle Key to New Malaria Vaccine

A nanoparticle designed by a UConn scientist is the key component of a promising new vaccine that could help address a global health problem.

Incoming freshmen Megan Boyer and Sarah Robbins, a valedictorian and salutatorian respectively, from Manchester High School outside the Wilbur Cross Building on Aug. 22, 2014. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

Manchester’s Top-ranked Two Among Honors Freshmen

'I couldn't imagine myself anywhere else,' says Megan Boyer, one of more than 500 incoming valedictorians and salutatorians this year.

Zhongyang Li, assistant professor of mathematics listens to a question about measuring teaching effectiveness during the new faculty orientation held at the Rowe Center for Undergraduate Education on Aug. 21, 2014. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

Faculty Hiring Plan Helps Decrease Class Size

The University's hiring initiative has drawn thousands of applicants and resulted in the hiring of nearly 300 new faculty since 2011.

Graduate student Zareen Thomas, a doctoral candidate in anthropology, is currently in Colombia, studying the relationship between community, youth organizations, and marginalized urban youth, thanks to a Fulbright fellowship.

Four UConn Students Receive Fulbright Awards for 2014-15

Two recent graduates, a graduate student, and an undergraduate have received fellowships under this prestigious international program.

Questions About the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict

UConn's director of Middle East studies answers some key questions about the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

Portraits of Strength: Lucas Massella ’13 (CLAS)

Lucas Massella went into kidney failure at the age of 10 but thanks to an experimental surgery, he recovered. He earned his UConn degree in 2013.

This view of Boston from the top of Beaocn Hill shows the Common in the near distance, Boston Neck in the middle distance, and the Dorchester hills on the horizon. "South-east View of Boston," by Samuel Hill,' Massachusetts Magazine', 1790, p. 640 (Image courtesy of the American Antiquarian Society)

At Risk of Poverty in Colonial Boston

A history professor's new book documents the pre-Revolutionary practice of 'warning out' newcomers who might fall into poverty and need assistance.

(istock photo)

Hate Speech and Human Rights

Human rights researcher Richard Wilson is writing a book about how international law deals with speech that incites violence.

Portraits of Strength: Dominique (Soucy) Matteson ’03 (CLAS)

UConn alum Dominique Matteson was diagnosed with leukemia in her early 20s. At her lowest point, 50 percent of her cells were showing cancer.