College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

Erika Skoe, assistant professor of speech, language & hearing, left, Nicole Landi, assistant professor of psychology, and Jon Sprouse, associate professor of linguistics, at the Charles "Skip" Lowe Atrium on Sept. 20, 2013. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

UConn Rises as Center for Language and Cognition

A cluster of new faculty hires is moving UConn from being a school that has interests in cognitive science to one that is known for it.

Bud Desmond '55 (CLAS), Gail Desmond, Richard Rice '81 (CLAS), and Philip Houk '74 (CLAS) participate in a talk about how climate change is affecting animals' ranges, including in New England. (Christine Buckley/UConn Photo)

Alumni Return to Campus to Learn About the Environment

UConn alumni and friends spent a day on campus learning from CLAS faculty about health, politics, and the environment.

Close up of termite

Termite Trouble? Blame it on the Microbes

Molecular and cell biologist Kenneth Noll explains why termites would not be a threat to your home without the help of microbes.

US capitol building.

Government Shutdown the Result of a ‘Perfect Storm,’ Says Political Scientist

Professor Ronald Schurin reviews the current situation in Washington, explaining why it’s happening and how it might end.

This summer, Sharon Hwang, a senior human rights and international relations double major (left), and Molly Rockett, a junior political science major, participated in internships spearheaded by UConn alumni in the nation’s capital, Washington D.C. (Samantha Ruggiero '14 (CLAS)/UConn Photo)

Student Interns Learn from Alumni Mentors

Many students are benefiting from opportunities to gain relevant work experience, thanks to UConn's extensive alumni network.

Graduate student Lily Lewis points out the specialized reproductive parts of the southern hemisphere moss, Leptotheca gaudichaudii. (Photo courtesty of Lily Lewis)

Ecology Graduate Student Earns Switzer Fellowship for Work at Earth’s Extremes

Ph.D. student Lily Lewis studies mosses in the Alaskan wilderness and Chile's sub-Antarctic mountains.

Lewis Gordon, professor of philosophy, lectures at Storrs Hall on Sept. 10, 2013. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

Gordon Named Nelson Mandela Visiting Professor at South African University

UConn philosophy professor Lewis Gordon is the second internationally renowned scholar to be honored in this way.

Alexandria Bottelsen '16 (CLAS) on Sept. 6, 2013. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

Undergraduate Student Attends Fulbright Summer Institute

Alexandria Bottelsen '16 (CLAS) was one of just four U.S. students in the highly competitive summer program at King's College, London this year.

(UConn/Sean Flynn)

Philosopher Joins ACLU in Phone Records Monitoring Suit

Philosophy professor Michael Lynch has filed a friend of the court brief in the NSA legal action.

Title slide for DC alumni video.

The Washington, D.C.-UConn Connection

Meet some members of the extensive network of UConn alumni who are making their mark in the nation's capital.