The Graduate School

Andrew Stillman uses radio-telemetry to track the movements of black-backed woodpeckers in post-fire areas. (Photo by Jean Hall)

The Birds Who Seek Out Goldilocks Fires

Black-backed woodpeckers prefer forests that are burned just right – not too hot, not too cold. But as wildfires become more intense, megafires are not creating a sufficient diversity of habitats.

Bryan Huey’s lab used the tip of an Atomic Force Microscope (AFM) as a chisel to scrape away the surface of bismuth ferrite and map the electric landscape of the interior. (Image courtesy of the Huey Lab)

A Microscope as a Shovel? UConn Researchers Dig It

Using a familiar tool in a way it was never intended to be used opens up a whole new method to explore materials, report UConn researchers in a recent study.

Stacks of Environmental Microcontroller Units (EMUs) that were developed by UConn researchers to facilitate the collection of fine-scale data. (Sean Flynn/UConn Photo)

More Data, Lower Cost – DIY Electronics Tackle Global Change

UConn researchers developed low-cost environmental sensor units to facilitate the collection of fine-scale data. Now they're making them available to others.

Shreya Kulkarni receives Baxter's Young Investigator award

Shreya Kulkarni, Ph.D. candidate, awarded Baxter Young Investigator Award

Shreya Kulkarni, a multi award winning* Ph.D. candidate in the School of Pharmacy’s Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, recently received Baxter Pharmaceutical’s Young Investigator Award in Deerfield, Illinois at Baxter International’s headquarters. Kulkarni presented her research Factors Governing the Reconstitution Time of Highly Concentrated Lypophilized Protein Formulations at the awards presentation, accompanied by her advisor Robin Bogner, Professor, […]

In Mexicali, Mexico, a migrant uses his cellphone. (Photo by Luis Boza/VIEWPress/Corbis via Getty Images)

Op-ed: Mexico Wants Internet for All. That Could Reduce Poverty

The roughly 50 million people who remain offline are also generally the country’s poorest residents, writes Jack J. Barry of UConn political science.

High school lunch. (Steve Debenport/Getty Images)

At School Lunch, Healthier Options are Overlooked When Juice is Available

Milk, fruit, and water sales decline when a less healthy option – juice – is served through the National School Lunch program, says a new UConn Rudd Center study.

John Salamone, Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor of Psychology, in the lab at the Bousfield Building. (Peter Morenus/UConn File Photo)

Moving the Motivation Meter

UConn researchers led by behavioral neuroscientist John Salamone have found that two experimental drugs boost motivation in rats, pointing the way to potential treatments.

An illustration showing THC binding to cannabinoid receptors. Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC, green molecules) is the main psychoactive constituent of cannabis. (Getty Images)

The Blitz of Neuroscience

UConn neuroscience researchers from across departments and campuses came together this week for a "datablitz," where several graduate students presented fast-moving summaries of their research to a live audience.

The bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis. The molecule (inset) shows the active part of the peptide, the section that binds copper. (Image courtesy of Alfredo Angeles-Boza Lab)

A Copper Bullet for Tuberculosis

In a new study, UConn chemists report a new antibiotic that can find and kill tuberculosis bacteria where they hide.

Engineering doctoral student Reza Amin presents the QRFertile concept to a panel of judges during the Wolff New Venture Competition. (Eric Olson for UConn)

Male Fertility Test Developers Win Venture Competition

Through the Wolff New Venture Competition, a pair of biomedical engineering doctoral candidates won $20,000 to further develop an in-home device to measure male fertility.