Arts & Culture

The puppets on display in the "Hecho en Puerto Rico" exhibit range in age from 1960 to the present, and reflect a variety of styles, artistic media, and purposes (Tom Breen / UConn Photo).

Ballard Exhibit Highlights Depth of Puerto Rican Puppetry to Educate, Entertain, Advocate

'We want to draw attention to what puppetry has been, is, and could be and how it connects with the important ideas that people have about themselves, their communities, and their society'

Poems & Rhapsodies: UConn Professors Fuse Ukrainian, French, British, & American Sound

The National Symphony of Ukraine is considered the preeminent orchestra in Ukraine. “Poems & Rhapsodies” captures the poetic essence and rhapsodic style of Ukrainian, French, British, & American composers.

The Jorgensen Center for the Performing Arts.

Jorgensen’s Digital Stage Returns For Series of Performances

Four shows this spring will help determine future of livestreaming for performing arts events

A selection of nut shaped masks made from foam, paper, and other materials are a part of Remembering the Nut Museum: Visionary Art of Elizabeth Tashjian on exhibit at the William Benton Museum of Art on Feb. 3, 2022.

‘Remembering the Nut Museum’ Brings Former Quirky Roadside Attraction to the Benton

Here's the story in a nutshell: go see this exhibit. You walnut be disappointed

Angelia Prip '22, center, and two other dancers from the University Ballet Co. rehearse ahead of their inaugural performance.

Student-Led University Ballet Co. Prepares for Inaugural Performance; ‘It’s Almost a Way to Be Free’

'Whether you’re in business or the arts, you’re focused on delivering a good experience'

Laura Sheehan ’85 (SFA) in "The Merry Wives of Windsor."

UConn Magazine: We Are But Players

Thirty years of interpreting the Bard began in a UConn classroom

Matt Smith '92 manages what may be America's preeminent listening room.

UConn Magazine: Nightclub Confidential

'People walked out of here beaming'

An illustrated map of UConn by alumna Margaret Kimball.

UConn Magazine: And Now I Spill the UConn Secrets

A Private Map of UConn in the Mid-2000s

Stuart Brown has an encyclopedic knowledge of the Broadway stage.

UConn Magazine: Off Broadway

The recently retired director of student services at UConn Waterbury brings the stage to more than 40,000 listeners a month

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SFA Faculty Member Solomiya Ivakhiv Receives Global Recognition For Her Work

Ukraine lauds musician for her accomplishments in the performing arts