Community Impact

Moonbuggy drivers Ricardo Santiago (left/center) and Ebony McWaynson undergo a safety inspection before beginning their race. (Cathy Torrisi/UConn Photo)

Hartford Students ‘Over the Moon’ After NASA Race

Six high school students competed in NASA’s Great Moonbuggy Race, with the help of UConn graduate STEM fellows.

Volunteer firefighters Dave Keplesky, a sophomore at Eastern Connecticut State University, left, Danielle Struble '13 (CANR), John Levasseur, and Joe Molleur '13 (CLAS), practice pulling a hose from an engine at the Mansfield Fire Department on April 26, 2013. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

Volunteer Firefighters Learn Professional Skills While Helping Out in the Community

Students volunteering with the Mansfield Fire Department learn to cope with the unexpected.

Courtney Beyers '13 (NUR) in front of her award winning poster for Excellence in Public Engagement and Outreach in the Rowe Center for Undergraduate Education on Feb. 16, 2013. (Ariel Dowski/UConn Photo)

Symposium Highlights UConn’s Ties to Urban Connecticut

From nursing to agriculture, UConn faculty, staff, and students make a difference in cities across the state.

Stout was a particularly energetic chick who didn't like pausing to have his picture taken. (Photo courtesy of Mystic Aquarium)

A Passion for Penguins Inspires Rescue Efforts

Two alums of UConn’s animal science program are fighting for the conservation of a species.

A view of an iPad with Khmer language questionaire at Khmer Health Advocates in West Hartford on Dec. 18, 2012. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

Improving Health Care for Cambodian-Americans

Two UConn faculty members are using innovative techniques to improve health care for Cambodian Americans who suffered under the Khmer Rouge.

Rain garden app - featured

Rain Garden App Puts UConn on Apple’s Stage

The Center for Land Use Education and Research has developed UConn’s first smart phone app that is designed for use by the general public.

Robert Johnson '13 (BUS) explains a proposal to IBM executives on how its Watson supercomputer could be used in the pharmaceutical industry. Johnson and six other students in the School of Business developed their proposals in a collaboration with IBM Watson through a class at UConn's Stamford Learning Accelerator. (Zach Wussow for UConn)

UConn Student Teams Propose New Business Uses for IBM’s ‘Watson’ Computing System

An invitation from IBM gave Stamford Learning Accelerator students the opportunity to propose real-world projects.

The USDA's food plate makes it easy for children to understand healthy eating. (Photo courtesy of Meriden Board of Education)

After-School Exercise and Nutrition Program Reaches Out to Urban School Children

The College of Agriculture and Natural Resources and the Neag School of Education have joined forces to bring an after-school program to urban children.

Preston Britner and Anne Farrell at the Dean's Lounge of the Family Studies Building on Dec. 12, 2012. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

Connecticut Agencies Win $5 million Federal Grant to Fund Innovative Housing Support Program

UConn researchers, The Connection, and the Department of Children and Families are working together on a program aimed at keeping families together that’s intended to serve as a model.

Karen Cordero, an earth science teacher at Bolton High School leads her class in a simulated county planning meeting on Nov. 28, 2012. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

UConn Offers Connecticut High School Students an Early College Experience

The oldest program of its kind in the U.S., UConn’s Early College Experience allows high schoolers access to UConn courses in a range of disciplines.