
Patients sitting in waiting room with face masks during the COVID-19 pandemic. Even as vaccination rates rise, new variants of the coronavirus are prompting concern among experts.

How Worried Should You Be About Coronavirus Variants?

UConn virologist Paulo Verardi explains his concerns with new variants of the virus that are spreading rapidly

A doctor's stethoscope connected to a mobile phone. Students made phone calls to hundreds of COVID-19 patients, along with seniors isolated by the pandemic.

Power of a Phone Call: Medical Students Changing COVID-19 Patients’ Lives

Students have made more than 2,500 phone calls to COVID-19 patients and isolated seniors since the start of the pandemic

An older woman seen from behind as she receives the COVID-19 vaccine at an outdoor vaccination center. UConn Health researchers are studying why COVID-19 is so much deadlier for older adults, in a project that will yield insights into the effect of vaccines on adult immune systems.

Study Seeks to Learn Why COVID-19 Is So Deadly for the Old

Research that will provide valuable insights about how vaccines affect immune systems

A computer-generated illustration of a coronavirus microbe

Using Emerging Science to Tackle Emerging Disease

A new course in bioinformatics teaches students with real-world data for training in an emerging scientific discipline

The aftermath of a car crash at night, with emergency vehicles in the background. Although fewer cars are on the road during the pandemic, the number of fatal crashes has actually increased.

Traffic is Down on American Highways During the Pandemic – But Vehicle Deaths Are Up

During the stay-at-home period, the incidence rate of fatal single-vehicle crashes increased 4.1 times

Early COVID Patient at UConn Health Gets Life Back a Year Later

'One day I was a healthy 47-year-old, then it all happened so suddenly.'

Career challenges faced disproportionally by women and mothers in academia are not new, but have been exacerbated by the pandemic.

Mothers in Academia Unite to Face COVID Challenges

A team of mothers in academia are proposing solutions to challenges they face as researchers, amplified by the pandemic.

a group of people

Returning the Favor: UConn Researchers Presented With PPE Supply

UConn researchers who donated personal protective equipment for emergency use early in the pandemic had the favor returned this week.

An early morning view of wetlands near UConn.

Pandemic Got You Down? A Little Nature Could Help

Spending time in nature can help ease stressful feelings, researchers found.

An illustration that depicts a woman of color wearing a facemask and cradling a newborn child, also with a facemask, to symbolize the challenges of new motherhood during the pandemic.

An Intimate Reflection on Motherhood, Family, Academia, and Inequality During a Pandemic

How three scholars took an untraditional approach to exploring the experiences of new mothers during the pandemic.