Health & Well-Being
UConn Health, Hartford HealthCare Explore Forming ACO
An Accountable Care Organization is a voluntary collaboration to coordinate care and ensure that shared patients receive the best care at the lowest cost.
June 29, 2016 | Lauren Woods
UConn Health Colorectal Cancer Researchers Redefining ‘Early Detection’
Thanks to a large volume of accumulated data, high-definition microscopy, and a skilled surgeon's experience, researchers are closing in on ways to identify who’s most at risk for colorectal cancer.
June 28, 2016 | , and Chris DeFrancesco '94 (CLAS)
New Atlas Shows Extent of Light Pollution – What Does it Mean for our Health?
After a new study shows 83% of the world lives under a haze of artificial light, a UConn Health epidemiologist says the health consequences of this are only beginning to be understood.
June 15, 2016 | Richard Stevens, School of Medicine
Diabetes and Heart Disease Can Be Deadly Combination
Research led by a UConn Health physician found that patients with Type 2 diabetes hospitalized for heart failure face 1 in 4 chance of dying over the next 18 months.
June 13, 2016 | Kim Krieger
Walnuts May Help Prevent Colon Cancer
A new study by researchers at UConn Health and JAX Genomic Medicine shows walnuts may improve colon health and suppress colon cancer.
June 2, 2016 | Kim Krieger
UConn Professor Calls for Limiting Antibiotic Use in Farm Animals
A UConn professor discusses efforts by a national pharmacists group to curtail the use of antibiotics in healthy farm animals in light of growing antibiotic resistance.
May 17, 2016 | Colin Poitras
Hospital Patients Move into New Tower
Seventy inpatients were safely relocated, as the new building at UConn John Dempsey Hospital opened for business.
May 17, 2016 | , and Chris DeFrancesco '94 (CLAS)
How We Plan to Move a Hospital
The step-by-step process of moving patients will begin early on Friday morning and be completed by early afternoon.
May 12, 2016 | Lauren Woods
Expert Warns of New Tick-borne Disease
A new tick-borne disease is popping up in Connecticut and May is a perfect time to start taking precautions, a UConn veterinary expert says.
May 11, 2016 | Elaina Hancock
Charles Osgood Speaks at UConn Health Commencement
'Medicine stands on the threshold of great advances, and you will be a part of that,' the legendary newsman told medical and dental graduates.
May 10, 2016 | Bret Eckhardt