Health & Well-Being
Sourcing Contamination in Waterways
UConn Professor John Clausen is designing a system to identify upstream contamination sources so they can be addressed.
January 26, 2018 | Elaina Hancock
Giving Silenced Genes a Voice
UConn Health researchers generated cells that expressed the maternal copy of the Prader-Willi gene that, when silenced, causes the life-threatening disorder.
January 25, 2018 | Kim Krieger
Married Veterans More at Risk of Suicide than Single Soldiers
The transition back to a domestic home environment—and all of the pressures, roles, and responsibilities that come with it—may add to veterans' internal struggles.
January 23, 2018 | Colin Poitras
National School Lunch Program Aces Safety Test
Eating at school may be safer for your children than eating at home, UConn study says.
January 22, 2018 | Elaina Hancock
Op-ed: What Jeff Sessions Doesn’t Know About Medical Marijuana
Research on medical marijuana is clear: Marijuana has legitimate medical uses, writes UConn pharmacy professor C. Michael White.
January 17, 2018 | C. Michael White, Department of Pharmacy Practice
Biodegradable Sensor Monitors Pressure in the Body then Disappears
The new sensor is designed to replace existing implantable pressure sensors that have potentially toxic components, which must be removed after use.
January 15, 2018 | Colin Poitras
Removing the Immunotherapy Blindfold
UConn Health researchers are developing a technology that can identify which patients will respond to immunotherapy, with the goal of extending the benefits of the treatment to a wider group of patients.
January 11, 2018 | Jessica McBride, Office of the Vice President for Research
Training the Doctors of Tomorrow
From UConn Health Journal: The dean of the School of Medicine discusses the school's new curriculum, a year after it was introduced in fall 2016.
January 9, 2018 | Lauren Woods
MIRA Awards Reflect Innovation of UConn Scientists
Five UConn Health researchers have won a new type of NIH grant designed to foster innovation and risk-taking in basic medical research.
January 8, 2018 | Kim Krieger
Why Walking with Your Doctor Could be Better Than Talking with Your Doctor
It's been shown that the more physicians focus on exercise, the more likely it is that patients will exercise, writes UConn Health's Brad Biskup.
January 2, 2018 | Bradley Biskup, Lifestyle Medicine Clinic, UConn Health