Health & Well-Being
Many Americans Blame Themselves for Weight Stigma
A new study by the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at UConn shows that many individuals who are targets of weight bias blame themselves for the stigma they experience.
October 30, 2017 | Daniel P. Jones, UConn Rudd Center
‘Health Halo’ Effects of Food Ads Can Mislead Kids
A new UConn Rudd Center study shows that healthy lifestyle messages in food ads can make unhealthy products seem healthier to children.
October 27, 2017 | Daniel P. Jones, UConn Rudd Center
New 3-D Fabrication Technique Could Deliver Multiple Doses of Vaccine in One Shot
'In the developing world, that might be the difference between not getting vaccinated and receiving all of your vaccines in one shot.'
October 25, 2017 | Combined Reports
Higher Breast Cancer Risk in Western Parts of Time Zones. Is Electric Light to Blame?
On a societal level, position in a time zone affects how early a person must turn on the lights in the morning.
October 24, 2017 | Richard G. 'Bugs' Stevens, School of Medicine
Our Calculator Will Guess How Many Healthy Years of Life You Have Left
We are living longer than ever. But for how many of those years will we be healthy?
October 18, 2017 | Jay Vadiveloo, Goldenson Center for Actuarial Research at UConn
A Breast Cancer Survivor’s Lifelong Marathon
Genetic counseling was critical to Elizabeth Johnston's personalized cancer care plan at UConn Health, where she has been successfully treated for breast and lung cancers and continues to be monitored for potential future cancers.
October 12, 2017 | Lauren Woods
Experts Report Decline in Childhood Obesity in Hartford
“We know that weight is a leading indicator of long-term health," said Hartford Mayor Luke Bronin.
September 27, 2017 | Lauren Woods
ER Doctor in Puerto Rico Reports on Hurricane Devastation
'Every single person is affected,' says UConn Health's Dr. Robert Fuller.
September 27, 2017 | Lauren Woods
New Lab Opens to Test Human Performance Limits in Heat
The new MISSION Heat Lab at UConn’s Korey Stringer Institute, which is outfitted with the latest in climate control technologies and human performance monitoring systems, opens today.
September 22, 2017 | Colin Poitras
Science in Seconds: UConn Health’s 3-D Print-out of Brain
Using brain scans and a 3-D printer, a UConn team made a life-size model of the arteries surgeons must navigate to pull blood clots from stroke victims.
September 20, 2017 | Elizabeth Caron