
Soldiers of the armed forces marching

Preventing ACL Injury in a High-risk Population

UConn kinesiologist Lindsay DiStefano is studying the effectiveness of an intervention designed to prevent injury among military cadets.

Michael Renfro, associate professor of mechanical engineering, observes a flame experiment on June 26, 2013. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

Faster, Better, Safer Jet Engines

An engineering professor is studying ways to improve jet engine performance.

Aimee Morey-Oppenheim, assistant professor of chemistry in residence, lectures at the Chemistry Building on July 8, 2013. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

Summer Classes More Popular Than Ever

Summer courses help students graduate early, enjoy small classes, satisfy prerequisites, or focus on challenging material.

Director of the UConn Human Rights Institute and Associate Professor of History Emma Gilligan has been working with prominent Chechnya human rights activist Stanislav Dmitrievsky on a memory project for victims of war crimes. (Christine Buckley/UConn Photo)

War Crimes in Chechnya are Subject of Human Rights Memory Project

History professor Emma Gilligan has been working with Chechnya human rights activist Stanislav Dmitrievsky on a project for victims of war crimes.

Nathan Alder, assistant professor of molecular and cell biology at his lab on June 27, 2013. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

Peering into the Protein Pathways of a Cell

Research by a UConn team sheds new light on how cellular transport systems harness energy to perform their work inside the cell.

A Chimney swift, sometimes referred to as a flying cigar. (Michael Veltri Photo)

Celebrating a Threatened Bird

UConn professor and State Ornithologist Margaret Rubega teaches local residents about chimney swifts.

Sustainable UConn icon

Suddenly it Happened: Answering the Call for Climate Leadership

Two UConn environmental leaders applaud President Obama’s hoped-for stand on climate change.

Former men's basketball player Emeka Okafor, with children at the Clark Elementary School in Hartford, after announcing his $250,000 gift to the Husky Sport program. In the back row, at left, is Lashika James, a paraprofessional at the school. Husky Sport, developed by kinesiology professor Jennifer Bruening, uses UConn students as mentors in nutrition and life skills, and encourages children to take part in sports and physical activities.

Donation Takes Okafor’s Legacy Beyond UConn Sports Record Books

Former UConn basketball player Emeka Okafor has made a second donation to the Husky Sport program, which mentors Hartford schoolchildren.

Governor’s Signature Puts ‘Next Generation Connecticut’ Plan into Action

The bill, which received overwhelming bipartisan support in the General Assembly, went into effect Tuesday with Malloy’s signature at the State Capitol.

UCoUConn science Wizard and future physics teacher Peter Dufner '12 (CLAS), '13 MA, right, helps an Illing Middle School 8th grader test his poly putty. (Cathy Torrisi/UConn Photo)

UConn Students Bring the Magic of Science to Middle Schools

A group of graduate and undergraduate students spent three weeks giving hands-on polymer chemistry demonstrations at 12 Connecticut schools.