
Jennifer Tufts, Assistant Professor, Communications Sciences.

Does Your Hearing Do the Job?

A UConn audiologist is looking at new ways to measure how well a worker needs to hear on the job.

Pradeep Ramanathan with a scan of his own brain.

The Universe in Your Skull

Pradeep Ramanathan studies how brain injuries affect memory—and how good we think our memory is.

Dayton Horvath, a rising senior majoring in chemistry, just returned from Fudan University in Shanghai, China where he attended the Universitas 21 Undergraduate Research Conference. During his stay in Shangai, Horvath snapped skyline photos of the city taken in both daylight and after dark.

U21 Conference Draws Three UConn Students to Shanghai

The Shanghai skyline at dusk, taken by one of three UConn students attending the Universitas 21 Undergraduate Research Conference at Fudan University, China. (Dayton Horvath for UConn)

Engineering Earlier Ovarian Cancer Detection.

Engineering Earlier Ovarian Cancer Detection

UConn researchers are developing a hybrid imaging device for improved detection of ovarian cancer.

From left, UConn students Grace Vasington, Savannah Williams, Rachael Nave, and Dovile Vilkauskaite on a visit to Belfast Castle during their trip to Ireland to attend the U21 summer school.

Studying Conflict Resolution in the Home of ‘The Troubles’

Five UConn undergraduates spent nearly two weeks in Ireland at the Universitas 21 summer school.

Modeling Interactions between Climate and the Living System in West Africa

Two UConn-led studies may help shape climate prediction, food policy, and development investment.

Genetic Discovery May Lead to Better Understanding of Cancer

A Health Center researcher took part in a study that answered a key question about genetic mutation.

UCANN Cook, Too!

UCANN Cook Camp provided youngsters with a chance to polish their cooking and baking skills. (Sean Flynn/UConn Photo)

Poised on the Bioscience Frontier

The director of the Stem Cell Institute discusses the state Bioscience initiative.

President Announces New Campus Book Program

UConn Reads is designed to foster a constructive 'culture of argument.'