Research & Discovery

Two UConn Pharmacy students display their first and second place certificates from the 2019 AAPS Rearearch Symposium at URI

Graduate Students Dhuri and Li Take Top Honors in local AAPS Poster Competition

UConn Ph.D. students take top honors in poster competition.

A brown mouse, like the ones who will spend 30 days in space as part of a research project.

Mighty Mice Head to Space on Important Health Mission

Some tiny but mighty astronauts are headed into space as part of a research project into muscle and bone loss being undertaken by UConn Health, The Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine (JAX), and Connecticut Children's.

Apathy and Reward in Alzheimer’s Disease

A team of researchers from UConn's School of Medicine received a $451,000, two-year award from the National Institute of Mental Health to study apathy, the most common neuropsychiatric symptom in patients with Alzheimer’s disease.

By studying pregnancy in various species, including horses, researchers have gained new insight into understanding how cancer spreads.

UConn and Yale Researchers Draw an Evolutionary Connection Between Pregnancy and Cancer Metastasis

Pregnancy might hold the key to understanding how cancer metastasizes in various mammals - including humans, according to UConn and Yale researchers.

Hydrogen fuel cell, close up.

Collaboration to Commercialize Hydrogen Fuel Cells and Electrolyzers

Hydrogen fuel cells and electrolyzers could be the key to creating sustainable energy in the future, but there are still challenges to utilizing the technology. Researchers from UConn and the Colorado School of Mines are teaming up to accelerate the development of sustainable and zero-emission energy generation using these technologies.

Ph.D. candidate Ãnand Gupta wins 2019 IPEC Americas Foundation Award

Ãnand Gupta, a Ph.D. candidate in Dr. Diane Burgess’ laboratory, was recently awarded a 2019 International Pharmaceutical Excipients Council of the Americas Foundation (IPEC) award for graduate students. He was one of five Ph.D candidates nationally to receive the award. The award was presented during the American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientists conference in San Antonio on […]

A forest in Claifornia charred by wildfire, the risk of which increases with climate change

Nearly 40% of Plant Species are Very Rare and Vulnerable to Climate Change

Nearly 40 percent of all plant species on land are at risk for extinction because of climate change, according to a new report.

Radenka Maric, vice president for research, studies membrane samples with two grad students in white lab coats.

UConn Researcher Radenka Maric Named AAAS Fellow

Vice President for Research, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Radenka Maric has been named a 2019 Fellow of the American Association for the Advancement of Science.

Woman making a flaky pastry dough to illustrate the story's metaphor about DNA being like a cookbook

Splicing factor to blame in triple negative breast cancer

Splicing factors, comparable to gene editors in our DNA, could hold the key to treating the worst type of breast cancer.

Dr. Riqiang Yan speaks with a student in front of a computer model of a human brain about his work researching Alzheimer's disease.

Meet the Researcher: Riqiang Yan, Neuroscience

Riqiang Yan initially started out researching in a different medical specialty altogether, but after turning his attention to Alzheimer's disease has become one of the world's preeminent experts on the illness.