Research & Discovery

Preventing Obesity Across the Lifespan

Part of a semester-long series exploring obesity research by UConn faculty.

Start-up Seeks Solution to Plastic Waste from Water Bottles

Voda, a start-up company with UConn roots, has developed a new beverage distribution service that customizes drinks to its users’ tastes.

Baby Talk in Any Language

UConn researcher Nairán Ramírez-Esparza has found that, regardless of the language, how you talk to young children matters.

Pebbles Rock the Vault, a Post Co. video game for children.

‘Advergames’ a New Front in Fight Against Childhood Obesity

Part of a semester-long series exploring obesity research by UConn faculty.

The Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine at the UConn Health campus in Farmington. (©Derek Hayn/Centerbrook Architects)

JAX Genomic Medicine Opens at UConn Health

The partnership with The Jackson Laboratory, which fosters collaborations with UConn scientists, is the first return on the state’s investment in Bioscience Connecticut.

Healthy Relationships Help Foster Healthy Eating Habits

Part of a semester-long series exploring obesity research by UConn faculty.

A Monk Parakeet with a twig in its beak at a nest in Stratford, Conn. (Kevin Burgio '10 (CLAS)/UConn Photo)

Beating Monk Parakeets at Their Own Game

Outsmarting birds by blocking the pathway to their nests will reap dividends for homeowners and utility companies, a new UConn study has found.

Stone Age Site Challenges Assumptions About Early Technology

A UConn scientist finds local innovation, not population expansion, explains the appearance of new technologies in Eurasia 300,000 years ago.

New London Powerline (Photo by Robert Askins-Connecticut College)

Power Lines Offer Environmental Benefits: UConn Study

The landscape in the transmission corridors provides habitat for hundreds of species of native plants and animals.

(istock photo)

Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity Moves to UConn

A new partnership with the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity was announced today in Hartford.