
Hurricane evacuation sign. (iStock Photo)

Preparing to Face a Hurricane

An engineering graduate student has developed a model that can help Connecticut use its storm shelters more efficiently – and also save money.

Gas plant. (iStock Photo)

UConn Takes Steps to Reduce Energy Costs

University officials will pursue a new contract that will stabilize natural gas transportation costs and reduce oil consumption.

Mites on ant mandible. (Carl Rettenmeyer/UConn Photo)

Extensive Army Ant Collection To Go On Parade

A collection of more than two million specimens will soon be widely accessible, thanks to a grant from the National Science Foundation.

Manager of farm services Mary Kegler sits on the remains of a stone wall that once enclosed land used for grazing and crops. Large shade trees on the property will be retained for ecological and aesthetic purposes. (Sean Flynn/UConn Photo)

UConn Restores Acreage to Agricultural Use

The farmland mitigation project will offset the loss of about 35 agricultural acres to construction.

A polar bear walks on the Arctic Ocean ice, Aug. 21, 2009. (U.S. National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Photo)

Going, Going, Gone: Toxic Change

A UConn researcher is studying how global warming has changed the diet of Arctic marine mammals, and the impact of pollution at the top of the food chain.

Mark Urban, researcher of ecology and evolutionary biology, holds an Arctic grayling in Alaska.

Going, Going, Gone: A Fish Tale

Mark Urban's research on a key species of fish in the Arctic is a wake-up call that environmental policies need to change.

Ryan Cordier '18 (ENG), right, views the current irrigation system in an Ethiopian village along with two local residents.

Improving the Water Supply in a Drought-Stricken Village

Three UConn engineering students are working in partnership with a village in Ethiopia to help improve the water supply.

Ocean polluted with plastic garbage. (iStock Photo)

The State of the World’s Oceans

UConn marine biodiversity expert Ann Bucklin discusses the issues raised in the United Nations' recent World Ocean Assessment.

Architectural rendering of University Avenue, Bridgeport, after the resilience project is finished. The street will be raised and provide pedestrian and train access between the South End and downtown Bridgeport, while protecting the interior of the South End from floodwaters.

Climate Resiliency Project Wins Federal Competition

UConn researchers helped design the project, which works with the local geography to protect Bridgeport residents and infrastructure.

Graphic showing mid-ocean ridge. (Source: adapted from

Activity on Seafloor Linked to Icy Ebb and Flow on Surface

Hydrothermal activity along mid-ocean ridges helps explain why ice ages come and go, according to a UConn marine scientist.