New London County

Flooding in coastal Connecticut as the climate changes is one of several concerns for local leaders addressed in fact sheets provided by Adapt CT (Getty Images).

Fact Sheets Help Local Leaders in CT Navigate Climate Change Questions

Adapt CT offers guidance on matters ranging from beach erosion to the flooding of coastal highways

Operation Community Impact: Still Helping Connecticut Residents in Need

Since April 2020, more than 220,000 pounds of dairy products have been delivered to Connecticut families in need

A member of the Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation harvests heirloom at their farm located in North Stonington Ct. The Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation and UConn Extension have been collaborating thanks to a USDA Federally Recognized Tribes Extension Program to enhance agricultural production, food security, and health of tribal community members.

Mashantucket Pequot Tribal Nation Establishes Tribal Department of Agriculture

UConn Extension offers assistance in developing sustainable agriculture and community education

An image of the Avery Point campus captured via drone camera.

UConn Part of Coalition Vying for $100 Million Grant for Wind Energy and Blue Tech Projects

The proposal would position UConn Avery Point at the hub of a regional network of blue tech companies and startups

Increased flood risk is not confined to coastal development. Inland towns and cities also faced increased flooding risks.

CIRCA Awarded $5 million in New Funding to Strengthen CT’s Climate Change Resilience

CIRCA is creating a 'project pipeline' to move resilience planning and adaptation forward

An image of the Avery Point campus captured via drone camera.

UConn Researchers to Explore Marine Life, Human-Sea Interaction

The projects touch on everything from the effects of climate change on marine animals to how coastal communities respond to flood risk

A magnolia tree blossoming outside the Ratcliffe Hicks School of Agriculture, where a new program for Native students will be launched.

New CAHNR Program Provides Scholarships, Support for Native Students

A new initiative provides Native students with financial, cultural, and academic support to make college more accessible

Connecticut Sea Grant will investigate contaminants that may pose a risk to drinking water and wildlife.

CT Sea Grant to Address Key Questions About Environmental Contaminants

Pharmaceuticals, plastic microfiber, personal care products and others are becoming more common in water supplies

Sustainability, Community, and Food – Theory Meets Action for UConn Undergrads

Where 'learning by doing' means baking bread, growing vegetables, and working for justice

A photograph from the exhibition showing a closeup of a smiling woman's face in black and white.

Benton Museum Provides Look at Joe Standart’s ‘Immigrant Eyes’ Project

An intimate insight into the lives of immigrants to Connecticut