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Leo Lachut in the driver seat of a limo looking toward the back of the limo

UConn Magazine: Leo Can Handle It

From behind the wheel of a stretch, Leo Lachut ’89 (CLAS) has seen a lot of things. While abiding by the “limo code,” UConn’s director of Academic Support shares a few favorite stories.

Guerra, with Connecticut Congressman Jim Himes, and the production team for Grit & Grace

Documenting the American Dream: In First-of-its-Kind Project, UConn Professor Directs Film for U.S. Congressional Committee

'Creating media that unites, that’s something that I really want to do with my films'

Jared Beltz '23 (SFA) shows photographs he took to UConn women's basketball junior forward Aubrey Griffin during a recent media day event he organized as an intern in a creative partnership between the Digital & Media Design and Athletics departments.

Creative Partnership Gives a Win to Both DMD and Athletics

'Connecticut is the sports entertainment capital of the world'

The Lewises in Trafalgar Square visiting Sam during her freshman year at NYU London in 2019. From left: Ava, Sam, Greg, and Barbara.

UConn Magazine: The Right Man for the Job

If you want to be a leader, you need to think like one, says Greg Lewis ’91 (BUS), senior vice president and CFO of Honeywell.

Photo of Brian Feroldi

UConn Magazine: Making Money

Wondering how to get started with stock-market investing? Motley Fool writer Brian Feroldi ’04 (BUS) has you covered.

From left, 2023-24 American Sign Language (ASL) Community Housing Coordinator Vivian London, 2022-23 ASL Community Housing Coordinator Lauren Gobler and Watson Hall Resident Assistant Teanna Minott have a conversation in ASL outside of Watson Hall—the current home of UConn’s ASL Community Housing.

Signs of the Times: New Housing Option Connects Students through American Sign Language

'It’s just great to expose yourself to more than what the textbook is showing you'

Hosokawa uses methods she learned at UConn to train members of the Japan Coast Guard and help athletes at the Tokyo 2020 Summer Olympics.

UConn Magazine: Rescue Mission

Kinesiology alum Yuri Hosokawa ’16 (CAHNR) uses methods she learned at UConn to train the Japan Coast Guard.

Lina Mendoni (right), the Minister of Culture and Sports in Greece, and Alexandra Papadopoulou (center), the Greek ambassador to the United States, accept miniature busts of the Spartan king Leonidas made from a 3D printer in the Proof of Concept Center within the Innovation Partnership Building

Greek Delegation’s IPB Visit Opens Door for Future Collaboration

Finding a 'gateway' to industry and commerce at the UConn Tech Park

Sarah Marze, a recipient of the 2023 Marshall Scholarship, poses for a photo in the Fine Arts Complex

Sarah Marze ’23 Named UConn’s Sixth Marshall Scholar

Marze is just one of 40 students nationally to earn this prestigious honor this year, and the only one from a public university in New England

Former Senator Christopher J. Dodd speaks during the dedication ceremony of The Dodd Center for Human Rights at the University of Connecticut main campus in Storrs

UConn’s Dodd Human Rights Impact Campaign Raises $12.5 Million to Advance Human Rights Education, Outreach, and Engagement

The UConn Foundation's Dodd Human Rights Impact Campaign has raised more than $12.5 million, further solidifying the reputation of UConn as a preeminent academic institution for the study of, engagement with, and practice of human rights