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Six of this year's 11 UConn recipients of National Science Foundation graduate research fellowships at the Biology/Physics Building. From left, Hetal Patel, Eric Lepowsky, Leann McLaren, Angela Lanning, Connor Ligeikis, and Shaylin Cetegen. (Sean Flynn/UConn Photo)

Eleven Young Scientists from UConn Win NSF Graduate Fellowships

'The NSF Graduate Research Fellowship is the gold standard when it comes to federally-funded fellowships for aspiring scientists,' says the director of UConn’s Office of National Scholarships & Fellowships.

Wanjiku Gatheru '20 (CAHNR) is one of just 62 students nationwide to receive the award, which is presented to undergraduate students who have devoted themselves to public service. (Sean Flynn/UConn Photo)

Environmental Studies Student Wins 2019 Truman, Udall Scholarships

Wanjiku Gatheru '20 (CAHNR) is the first student in UConn history to win these two prestigious national awards in the same year.

Omaniel Ortiz '20 (CAHNR) by the River Thames with Big Ben (shrouded in scaffolding) in the background. Big Ben, the iconic clock tower of the Houses of Parliament in London, is currently undergoing major renovations.

Education Abroad: Omaniel Ortiz ’20, London, England

For first-generation college student Omaniel Ortiz, his Education Abroad experience in London was the first time he traveled outside the U.S.

Devonte Daley, left, and Keenon Christian from Jumoke Academy in Hartford learn about Newton’s Laws of Motion by building and testing a balloon-powered rocket car from simple materials. (Christopher LaRosa/UConn Photo)

Engineering Their Future

More than 200 8th grade boys from underrepresented backgrounds attended an event on campus April 1 to learn about key concepts and techniques in science and engineering.

From left, Kelly Dennis, professor of art and art history; Megan Scholtz, ’19 (SFA), a photography major; and Deanna LaVoie ’20 (SFA), graphic design major, reviewing an updated biography in preparation for this year’s Art + Feminism Edit-a-thon during a History of Photography class in Oak Hall. (Kenneth Best/UConn Photo)

Women in the Arts: Setting the Record Straight

During a day-long event at two UConn campuses on April 1, students, faculty, and staff edited Wikipedia to ensure the inclusion of female artists.

Madison Reed home hair color founder and CEO Amy Errett '79 (CLAS) welcomes UConn students on their trip to Silicon Valley. (Submitted Photo)

Student Entrepreneurs Spend Spring Break in Silicon Valley

'This trip is really important for our students to see first-hand how the spirit of entrepreneurship works in a real setting,' said UConn's David Noble.

Ashley Jacques '20 (BUS), right, in Ireland, with a friend in the program, Isabelle Lee from Fordham University. (Submitted Photo)

Education Abroad: Ashley Jacques ’20, Dublin, Ireland

'I am now kicking myself that I did not do a full semester,' says Ashley Jacques '20 (BUS), as she recalls the summer she spent with an Education Abroad program in Ireland last year.

From left, Kerry Jones '19 (ENG), Ryan Heilemann '19 (ENG), and Josh Steil '19 (ENG) look on as their drone takes off for a test flight on Horsebarn Hill in Storrs. (Christopher Larosa/UConn Photo)

UConn-Sikorsky Team Engineers Autonomous Firefighting Drone

Three senior engineering students collaborated this year with industry leader Sikorsky to build a firefighting drone.

Composer Kenneth Fuchs, professor of music, left, and conductor JoAnn Falletta, after winning a Grammy on Sunday, in the Best Classical Compendium category for the album 'Spiritualist – Concerto for Piano and Orchestra.' (Photo courtesy of Kenneth Fuchs)

Two Faculty Members Bring Home Grammy Awards

UConn faculty members won in the categories of Best Classical Compendium and Best Jazz Instrumental Album.

Finance major Ashley DeCarlo is a top student who holds down two jobs, a crepe expert, and – as head captain of the UConn cheerleading team – a self-described mom to 32. (Nate Oldham/UConn Photo)

‘I Don’t Want to Wish I’d Done More’

Finance major Ashley DeCarlo is a top student who holds down two jobs, a crepe expert, and – as head captain of the UConn cheerleading team – a self-described mom to 32.