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Manisha Sinha, Draper Chair of American History, lectures at the Gentry Building. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

No, Kanye, That’s Not How It Happened

Manisha Sinha’s history lessons tell the truth about slavery in the United States.

Graduate teaching assistant Lukasz Kuna instructs PHYS 1602: Fundamentals of Physics II in a new Studio Learning Lab located in the Gant Science Complex on November 5, 2018. (Bri Diaz/UConn Photo)

A Hands-on Approach to Physics

“The studio classrooms allow instructors to interact with students more frequently and discuss concepts with them in depth,” says Diego Valente, assistant professor-in-residence of physics.

Sally Reis, left, and Rachel Rubin in the South Reading Room of Wilbur Cross Building on Jan. 3, 2019. (Sean Flynn/UConn Photo)

UConn Joins BOLD Women’s Leadership Network

Each year, seven female UConn students will benefit from opportunities for career development and support, thanks to a grant from Helen Gurley Brown’s Pussycat Foundation.

Professor Will Ouimet, center, and students from his undergraduate geology lab course insert the core into the soil at the base of Horsebarn Hill. (Tom Rettig/UConn Photo)

Core Samples Dig Deep into History of Horsebarn Hill

Samples taken from an iconic campus location are helping undergraduates in a geology lab course learn how to read the history of geologic layers going back tens of thousands of years.

Akshayaa Chittibabu at the Wilbur Cross South Reading Room on Dec. 6, 2018. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

Senior Wins Prestigious Marshall Scholarship

Akshayaa Chittibabu '19 (CLAS) is one of 48 Marshall recipients nationwide this year, and the fifth UConn student to be so honored.

Christian Escotto-Rosado '19 (BUS), at the Stamford Campus. (Nathan Oldham/UConn Photo)

Stamford First-Generation Student Maximizes Opportunities

Stamford business major Christian Escotto-Rosado '19 (BUS) is soaking up every experience he can, including an internship at IBM and the chance to take part in the Student Managed Fund.

A student wearing a virtual reality headset watches live drone footage from a pilot flying a drone outside the Student Union during the Innovation Expo on Oct. 29. (Nathan Oldham/UConn Photo)

First Innovation Expo: Opportunities Abound on Campus

'We have such cool things going on on campus,' said biology major Greta Johnson, a volunteer at the event.

Kathryn Libal, director of the Human Rights Institute and associate professor of social work, speaks with a student at the Major Fair in the Student Union Ballroom on Wednesday, Oct. 10. (Nicholas Hampton '19 (CLAS)/UConn Photo)

Major Fair ‘A Mind-Opening Experience’ for Exploratory Students

The fair drew students from across the University who are undeclared, looking to diversify their study experience, or interested in adding a major or minor.

A service learning course enlists students to help the state's communities respond and adapt to climate change through the UConn Climate Corps. (Chet Arnold/UConn Photo)

Climate Corps Seeks to Make Impact in Connecticut’s Communities

A service learning course enlists students to help the state's communities respond and adapt to climate change through the UConn Climate Corps.

During the recent Learning Communities Field Day, student teams competed in activities such as Sneaker Scramble, tug-o-war, dodgeball, and more. (Defining Studios Photography for UConn)

A Field Day for UConn’s Learning Communities

During the recent Learning Communities Field Day, student teams competed in activities such as Sneaker Scramble, tug-o-war, dodgeball, and more.