
Tom and Eileen Marston sitting on a couch, posing for a photo with the video title overlayed.

Lifelong Husky Couple Expands Scholarship by Giving Through Their Life Insurance

The scholarship has already provided financial support for 11 undergraduate students at the Avery Point campus and now it will support many more students for years to come

Microscopic view of fruit flies with the title of the video "The Genetic lives of Fruit Flies"

Winged Wonders

Why the tiny fruit fly is mighty in scientific value

Waves crashing against a sea wall and houses

CIRCA: Serving Connecticut’s Coastal Communities and Beyond

As seas and temperatures rise, the Connecticut Institute for Resilience & Climate Adaptation uses research and community engagement to protect communities across the state

Patient Eric Jackson during a telehealth appointment with his doctor Dr. Kristina Zdanys.

Alzheimer’s Drug Offers Hope for Early-Stage Patients

'This is the most promising medication we've had so far in terms of slowing rate of decline.'

Worth Repeating: Carbon-Neutral UConn

Clean energy research is a pillar of our academic mission at UConn, and clean energy living is our responsibility to the next generation.

Pinnacle of Performance: Strengthen Your Golf Game

Episode 1 of Pinnacle of Performance focuses on one of the most common – lower back injuries – and the steps you can take to stay healthy as well as improve your game.

Student studying dentures online

Science in Seconds: Digital Dentures

Digital technology has transformed dentistry including the often difficult and time-consuming process of making dentures.

Graduates toss their caps into the air.

Wisdom for Graduates: ‘No One’s Gifts Are Worth Throwing Away’

Advice, encouragement, and perspective from UConn's 2024 commencement ceremonies

Student musicians play their self-penned "Ode to Buckley" in the titular dining hall.

An ‘Ode to Buckley’: Music Students Pay Their Respects to Soon-to-Close Dining Hall

A tribute to a gathering spot that has been much more than just a place to eat

Dental laboratory technician Donna Morin works on a computer-aided manufacturing process for a denture.

Science in Seconds: Digital Dentures

'This new technology has completely transformed the way we practice dentistry'