School of Pharmacy

UConn School of Pharmacy Exterior view

William Baker Receives 2022 Robert L. McCarthy Faculty Service Award

The School of Pharmacy has named William Baker, Pharm.D. Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice, recipient of the 2022 Dean Robert L. McCarthy Faculty Service Award. This is an annual award presented to a full-time faculty member who has provided outstanding service to their department, school, the university, the profession of pharmacy, and the public.

Radenka Maric, UConn's 17th President.

Radenka Maric Named UConn’s Interim President

'UConn strives to be the place where all students will have equal opportunities and be fully prepared for their life journey upon graduation'

UConn School of Pharmacy Exterior view

New School of Pharmacy Faculty Member Hunmin Jung

Hunmin Jung, Ph.D., has joined the School of Pharmacy as a tenure-track Assistant Professor of Medicinal Chemistry in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences.

Graduate students Wahane and Kasina Receive ’21 NIPTE Research Prizes

Congratulations to our graduate students Aniket Wahane and Vishal Kasina who received first and second place prizes in the research poster presentation at the National Institute for Pharmaceutical Technology & Education (NIPTE) 2021 Conference.

What you need to know about Pfizer’s anti COVID-19 drug Paxlovid

Paxlovid can interact with close to 50% of commonly prescribed drugs. Looking carefully at the medications a patient is already taking, and thoughtfully reducing dosages, can help avoid bad reactions.

While dangerous as a street drug, in clinical settings MDMA has shown to be effective in treating patients with PTSD.

Latest Trials Confirm the Benefits of MDMA – the Drug in Ecstasy – for Treating PTSD

The drug needs be used along with carefully crafted psychotherapy in a safe, controlled environment

Close up look at a section of the UConn School of Pharmacy Building

Quarterly Recap of Pharmacy Faculty Research Grants – FY 2022 Q1

Recapping the quarter beginning July 1, 2021 through September 30, 2021, the UConn School of Pharmacy congratulates the following Departments of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacy Practice  faculty and their teams for their FY 2022 Q1 research grant awards totaling $2,773,682

A small pile of a variety of vitamin and mineral supplements

Pharmacy Students Video Series Opens Eyes on Dietary Supplement Industry

In this series, "...People will see why being labeled natural does not automatically mean safe and might not even mean it is natural. There are things people that consumers desperately need to understand and things that they can do to stay safe.” C. Michael White, Pharm.D.

Pharmacy professor Diana Sobieraj teaching in the classroom at the School of Pharmacy.

Sobieraj Promoted to Director of Assessment of UConn School of Pharmacy

The University of Connecticut School of Pharmacy is pleased to announce the promotion of Diana Sobieraj, Pharm.D., FCCP, BCPS, Associate Professor of Pharmacy Practice, to Director of Assessment.

Dr Aeschlimann provides witness testimony in DC

UConn Faculty Pharmacist Aeschlimann Joins DC Subcommittee Hearing on Coronavirus Misinformation

On Wednesday, November 17  Jeffrey Aeschlimann, Pharm.D., Associate Professor, School of Pharmacy, and Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Medicine, joined a Select Subcommittee hearing on the impact of Coronavirus misinformation on the nation’s public health in Washington D.C.