Research & Discovery

James Cole, professor of molecular and cell biology, with a ultracentrifuge at the Biology/Physics Building on July 27, 2017. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

Targeting the Flu with a Novel Antiviral Drug

UConn molecular and cell biologist, Jim Cole, formed a startup to develop a novel potential treatment for the flu.

PIE Fellow Khushbu Patel, a biology major at Southern Connecticut State University, presents her summer research findings. Her research mentor was UConn Health's Zeeshan Ahmed, assistant professor of genetics. (Lauren Woods/UConn Health Photo)

Connecticut Student Researchers Shine at UConn Health

You are 'at the heart of the state’s future bioscience ecosystem,' keynote speaker Susan Froshauer told students participating in a new innovation program headed by UConn Health's Caroline Dealy, during the Aug. 1 event.


Real Talk: Applying Computer Learning Models to Human Speech Recognition

UConn professor of psychological science, James Magnuson, has received more than $600K from the National Science Foundation to address a longstanding problem with research on speech perception and spoken word recognition.

Researcher John Volin discusses the history of the state’s forests, and current threats from climate change, blights, and invasive species. (Yesenia Carrero/UConn Illustration)

Connecticut’s Forests Today a Far Cry from Towering Giants of Old

'We tend to look at deforestation in areas like the tropics, but we should also look at what is happening in our own backyard,' says researcher John Volin.

Dr. J. Travis Hinson (JAX Photo)

$2M NIH Grant to Study Genetic Mechanisms of Inherited Heart Muscle Disorders

Dr. John Travis Hinson, a joint faculty member at UConn Health and The Jackson Laboratory for Genomic Medicine has received more than $2 million from the NIH to study a serious and often fatal heart condition, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy.

A prototype wear sensor at the UTC Research Center in East Hartford on June 18, 2018. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

‘Smart’ Machine Components Alert Users to Damage and Wear

UConn and UTRC scientists are using advanced additive manufacturing to create novel wear sensors that can be embedded into machine parts.

Nanoparticle circulation in an extraembryonic vein (larger vessel) and artery (smaller vessel) three hours after injection. (Gif supplied by Ramon Bahal)

Targeted Gene Editing Cures Blood Disorder in Fetal Mice

The technique offers a potential new approach for early treatment of genetic disorders.

A female deer and her fawn are captured on camera by UConn researchers, part of a project to gather abundance data on the state's deer population. (Jennifer Kilburn/UConn Photo)

Camera Traps, Citizen Science, Help Track State’s Animal Populations

In order to conserve the species that are here, we have to know more about what we have. UConn researchers are collecting data on animals and birds in the state.

Yusuf Khan, associate professor of orthopedic surgery at UConn Health. (UConn Health Photo)

Combination Therapy for Improved Bone Repair

A new NIH-funded project explores combining cell-laden hydrogels and ultrasound technology to improve bone defect repairs.

A new UConn study provides proof that tiny levels of antibiotics found in the environment can result in antibiotic-resistant bacteria. (Elizabeth Caron/UConn Photo)

Leeches Help Solve Antibiotic Mystery Spanning Two Continents

A new UConn study provides proof that tiny levels of antibiotics found in the environment can result in antibiotic-resistant bacteria.