Research & Discovery

Fish Oil May Reduce Postpartum Depression Symptoms

The omega-3 in fish oil may be beneficial if taken during pregnancy, a UConn study finds.

Locating Patterns in Human Proteins

An engineering professor is searching for novel algorithms that may ultimately help combat disease.

Snakes, Lizards, and Tongues

Kurt Schwenk is studying tongue flicking in snakes. He explains why he finds reptiles fascinating.

Colwell Elected to American Academy of Arts and Sciences

The EEB professor is being recognized for his contributions to the field of tropical biology.

UConn Students Win Goldwaters, Truman Scholarship

Three UConn students have won prestigious national awards, and three more were front runners.

Conference Highlights Latest Discoveries in Stem Cell Research

UConn was well represented at StemCONN 2011, a scientific symposium on stem cell research.

UConn Reactor Uses More Efficient Process to Make Biodiesel Fuel

The reactor provides training for students in biodiesel technology.

Study: Connecticut’s Spending on Public Services Low Compared with Other States

A UConn economist says only three states spend a smaller percentage on public services.

Personality and Public Policy: The Connection

A new study says the surge in Iraq illustrates how an individual’s personality can affect history.

Using Stem Cells to Regrow Muscle and Bone

UConn research could ultimately help patients with degenerative diseases and wounded soldiers.