Research & Discovery

Jeffrey S. Volek, associate professor of kinesiology, UConn (left) and Stephen D. Phinney, professor of medicine emeritus, UCal-Davis, have collaborated on a book that explores the science behind the health benefits of low carbohydrate living.

New Book Explores Science Behind a Low Carbohydrate Diet

A UConn professor explains why low-carb living is superior to a low-fat, carbohydrate-laden diet.

Jennifer Tufts, Assistant Professor, Communications Sciences.

Does Your Hearing Do the Job?

A UConn audiologist is looking at new ways to measure how well a worker needs to hear on the job.

Pradeep Ramanathan with a scan of his own brain.

The Universe in Your Skull

Pradeep Ramanathan studies how brain injuries affect memory—and how good we think our memory is.

Modeling Interactions between Climate and the Living System in West Africa

Two UConn-led studies may help shape climate prediction, food policy, and development investment.

Poised on the Bioscience Frontier

The director of the Stem Cell Institute discusses the state Bioscience initiative.

Seaweed: The New Trend in Water Purification

A UConn biologist is turning his enthusiasm for seaweed into a new system for cleaning up waterways.

Veronica Makowsky, A writer's writer

A Writer’s Writer

Valerie Martin's prizewinning novels are compelling but not comforting, says an English professor.

Ten UConn Researchers Receive State Stem Cell Funding

One of the awards will fund preclinical trials at a new start-up company based at the Health Center.

Coping with Climate Change

Connecticut's cities and towns are taking up the challenges of climate change at a local level.

Holding Countries Accountable

A UConn economist is evaluating nations' fulfillment of economic and social rights.