
UConn Experience Still a Part of WesternU President’s Daily Life

It’s been more than 50 years since Philip Pumerantz, Ph.D., has sat in a University of Connecticut classroom, yet he applies the lessons he learned there every day. Specifically, he said he strives to “listen, care and advise” the way long-time former UConn Education Professor William Gruhn, Ph.D., did when Pumerantz was a student there […]

A page from the reading copy of President Eisenhower's farewell address with hand-written editing notes. (Image courtesy of the Dwight D. Eisenhower Presidential Library and Museum)

Using Bioinformatics to Trace a President’s Thoughts

A UConn alum has applied quantitative analysis to drafts of Eisenhower’s Farewell Address in search of insights into the writer’s creative process.

HESA Alums Offer Valuable Insight to Current Students

The Higher Education and Student Affairs (HESA) program’s first alumni feedback panel meeting this past February was a successful effort to enhance program offerings.  Alumni from a community college, a regional public university, and a technical college were invited to share their views of what elements of the current HESA program were useful and what […]

Educational Leadership Scholarship Named After Beloved UCAPP Professor

As Earle Bidwell ’71 sees it, his job as a University of Connecticut Administrator Preparation Program (UCAPP) clinical supervisor is to lead by example and help students working to become a principal, vice principal, department head or other school administrator see their strengths and “bring out all they have to offer.” This kind of dedication […]

McMahon in Argentina (Photo courtesy of the UConn Foundation)

Couple Supports Global Studies

Al '75 and Lynda '76 McMahon believe the experience of studying abroad benefits not just the students involved, but the locales to which they travel.

Professor Robert Gross, the Draper Chair of Early American History, (CLAS), talks about Henry David Thoreau's "Walden" at the first Alumni College Experience day. (Christine Buckley/UConn Photo)

Liberal Arts and Sciences Hosts First Alumni College Experience

Alumni from around the Northeast gathered on campus last week for a day of talks by prominent faculty members.

Grateful: Alumna who believes in the power of public universities gives back

When 81-year-old Yvonne Condell entered the University of Connecticut in 1956 to begin work toward a master’s of Education, African-Americans like her “weren’t welcome everywhere.” Despite what then were improved U.S. civil rights laws and changing attitudes, segregation still existed in many restaurants, parks and schools, but not at UConn, Condell asserted. “From the first day, my […]

Teacher-Turned-Author Inspired by Personal Experiences

Lynda Mullaly-Hunt, Neag graduate and former third-grade teacher, admits that she wasn’t always an aspiring author. “Most authors say that they’ve wanted to write since they could chew on a crayon,” says Mullaly-Hunt, “but that wasn’t true for me.” She says she wrote One for the Murphys, a middle school-aged novel published in May by Penguin […]

Michael Zacchea '12 MBA , at the Graduate Business Learning center on July 19, 2012. Zacchea leads the Entrepreneur Bootcamp for Veterans program. (Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

Decorated Marine, UConn MBA Heads Business School’s Programs for Veterans

Michael Zacchea leads the Entrepreneurship Bootcamp for Veterans with Disabilities, as well as initiatives for recruitment and support.

Bette Gebrian, RN, PhD, has been awarded the University of Connecticut Humanitarian Award and is Director of Public Health for Haitian Health Foundation. Dr. Gebrian received both a B.S. in Nursing and a PhD in Anthropology from the University of Connecticut and is an Associate Clinical Professor for the School of Nursing, a Clinical Instructor at the Department of Community Medicine and Health Care in the UConn School of Medicine and nursing faculty at The Johns Hopkins School Of Nursing. She has been recognized by many organizations for significant contributions to maternal and child health and community based primary health care in Haiti and Africa.

Nursing Alum Providing Health Care in Haiti

Bette Gebrian, a UConn alum and associate clinical professor, has made significant contributions to community-based health care in Haiti.