Health Care Workforce

Grateful to Be a Nurse at UConn Health: “I Love It!”

Meet Lauren Piro, a Labor and Delivery nurse at UConn Health, who epitomizes gratitude.

Group portrait, Project SEARCH Class of 2023

Project SEARCH Removes Obstacles to Employment

UConn Health continues to be a leader in preparing adults with disabilities for the workforce

Medical Assistant Got Her Start at UConn Health

Medical Assistants Recognition Week is celebrated Oct. 17-21. Find out why UConn Health Medical Assistant Breanna McConnell loves coming to work everyday and how she 'represents the best UConn offers.'

A Fair Chance: UConn Health Joins Jobs Campaign of CT NAACP to Improve Lives of Formerly Incarcerated

“I am so proud of UConn Health, CT NAACP and our state in working together through the One Million Jobs to lift up all of our citizens who may need a helping hand and a second chance,” says Dr. Bruce T. Liang, Interim CEO of UConn Health.

Clinical Office Assistant Carries on Dad’s Work at UConn Health

“I love it here at UConn Health," says COA Maria Colan. Find out why and the special reason she's “always wanted to work here since a little girl."

Custodian and nurse speaking at entrance to patient room

Keeping It Clean for Patient, Staff Safety

UConn Health’s housekeepers are the front-line folks who don't provide patient care, but provide a safe, healthy environment for those who do. Housekeeping and Environmental Services Appreciation Week is Sept. 11-17.

CT AHEC at UConn Health Awarded $2 Million Grant for Primary Care Workforce Development

Entering its 26th year of operation, CT AHEC is one of 46 AHEC programs funded nationally. “CT AHEC is an invaluable resource to UConn Health. With renewed HRSA funding, the CT AHEC Program will continue to meet its mission of improving the health status of CT residents and communities,” says Dr. Bruce Liang, Interim CEO of UConn Health.

UConn Medical School Selected for First ‘Creative Community’ of the National Board of Medical Examiners (NBME)

UConn is one of 10 medical schools nationwide selected to participate in the NBME's first Creative Community to innovate medical education. "The Clinical Skills Assessment Program at UConn has had a long history of success in teaching our students the skills they need to be excellent clinicians. This grant is both a recognition of that success and provides an opportunity for our school to contribute to the forefront of innovation in medical education,” says Dr. Laurie Caines.

Meet UConn Health’s Chief Diversity Officer Jeffrey F. Hines, MD

Our first ever CDO Dr. Jeffrey Hines is on the ground at UConn Health doing walking rounds to meet as many members of the UConn Health Community as possible to build upon the institution's strong diversity commitment and efforts. Learn more from Hines in this Q & A article including how: "The biggest aspect of our success is when DEI is ubiquitous."

UConn Health Joins Health Systems Council of The American College of Lifestyle Medicine

As a member of the Health System Council UConn Health will now help further develop a collaborative learning community of health systems that promote lifestyle medicine. This fall UConn School of Medicine launched its new Lifestyle Medicine Residency track curriculum for those new doctors receiving advanced training in the School’s three residency programs of internal medicine, primary care, and family medicine.