
pills in a yellow bottle

Even Damaged Livers Can Handle Life-Saving Medicines

When you ingest a drug—whether over-the-counter Tylenol or medication prescribed by a doctor—your liver is your body’s first responder. And just like other first responders, sometimes the liver gets hurt.

A pile of shells from different types of sea creature.

Paleontologists Discover Why the Oceans are So Diverse

A new study explores why the life in the world's oceans is so diverse.

dairy manager

In The Lick Of Time

Customers will continue to enjoy vanilla ice cream at the UConn Dairy Bar and not even realize there was almost scarcity in the tasty treat.

A traditional white nurses' cap is imprinted with the type-written text of an immigration and naturalization form. It it held in a man's hands in this close-up image.

From Diaspora to Health Care Delivery: Exhibit Highlights Work of Filipino Nurses

“Your cap is a passport,” the nurses were told, as they were recruited from their home in the Philippines to work at hospitals in the United States and around the world – a reference to the starched dresses and caps worn by nurses that have since fallen out of fashion as well as the recognition […]

college students dancing

HuskyTHON Raises A Record $1.5 Million

UConn students danced their hearts out this past weekend at the annual 18-hour HuskyTHON and raised a record $1,520,234.98 to benefit the Connecticut Children’s Medical Center.

a man chopping a log

UConn Woodsmen: Their Sport is the Great Outdoors

The term “lumberjack” might bring to mind a bearded man in a buffalo check shirt and fur hat, but for one group of students, it describes a typical Friday night practicing such skills as fire building and log rolling.

A scholar in a greenhouse.

How Did the Monkeyflower Get Its Spots?

A cross-disciplinary team of researchers is close to understanding how a type of wildflower achieves its dazzling variety of colors.

A multicolored array of pills, mixed in with dice to illustrate the risk of untested dietary supplements.

Op-ed: Dietary Supplements Can Carry Hidden Risks

Popular dietary supplements may contain everything from experimental drugs to heavy metals, with consumers left in the dark, a UConn expert says.

A tadpole draws air from a bubble on the surface of the water, a technique UConn researchers have dubbed "bubble-sucking."

Tadpoles Break the Tension With Bubble-Sucking

UConn researchers have discovered how tadpoles are able to breathe air while remaining under water - it's called "bubble sucking."

An illustration of a boss berating a subordinate.

Q&A: UConn Researcher Explains How Toxic Bosses Damage the Workplace

Bad bosses can make an entire workplace suffer, says School of Business researcher Kyoungjo "Jo" Oh.