Aging Immigrants Without Health Insurance at Higher Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
Fifty-four percent of recent immigrants, and 22 percent of long-term immigrants had no health insurance, says the study by NYU and UConn.
March 22, 2019 | Combined Reports
Team IMPACT: A Winning Way to Heal
'Life changing' is how the families of kids with serious and chronic illnesses describe their experiences with UConn athletic teams through a program known as Team IMPACT.
March 21, 2019 | Elizabeth Omara-Otunnu
Big Gods Came After the Rise of Civilizations, Not Before, Study Finds
The original function of moralizing gods in world history was to hold together fragile, ethnically diverse coalitions, write researchers at UConn, University of Oxford, and Keio University.
March 21, 2019 | Peter Turchin, UConn; Harvey Whitehouse and Pieter Francois, University of Oxford; Patrick E. Savage, Keio University.
Student Entrepreneurs Spend Spring Break in Silicon Valley
'This trip is really important for our students to see first-hand how the spirit of entrepreneurship works in a real setting,' said UConn's David Noble.
March 20, 2019 | Mike Enright '88 (CLAS), University Communications
Life Work: Training to be a Nurse
Student nursing opportunities at UConn Health provide undergraduates in the field a chance to transfer knowledge from theory to practice.
March 20, 2019 | Sean Flynn
Healthy ‘Meal Kits’ are Attractive to Food Pantry Clients
Clients were three times as likely to take kale and whole grains when they visited the pantry on days when recipe tastings and meal kits were available, compared to the days when neither was provided, according to UConn study.
March 19, 2019 | Kristin Messina, UConn Rudd Center
From ‘Wild Horses’ to ‘Wild Things,’ a Window Into Maurice Sendak’s Creative Process
The making of “Where the Wild Things Are” was a journey, and the vivid materials in Sendak’s archive illuminate the level of investment that was required to complete it, write Kate Capshaw and Cora Lynn Deibler of UConn.
March 19, 2019 | Kate Capshaw, professor of English, and Cora Lynn Deibler, professor of illustration.
Snapshot: Deborah Bolnick, St. Catherines Island
A glimpse into a UConn research project located off the coast of Georgia, on an island inhabited by Indigenous peoples for thousands of years.
March 18, 2019 | Elaina Hancock
Racial and Economic Justice Group Wins 2019 Dodd Human Rights Prize
The Equal Justice Initiative and its founder will be recognized Nov. 6 for their efforts to combat inequality and injustice.
March 18, 2019 | Tom Breen
In Honor of St. Patrick’s Day: A Bit About Irish Fashion
English professor Mary Burke discusses the success of Irish fashion exports to post-World War II America.
March 15, 2019 | Kenneth Best