College of Agriculture, Health & Natural Resources

Climate Change and Cattle: Genetics May Hold Answer to Heat Stress Tolerance

The long-term goal of this work is to identify the best genetics for cows in each climatic region of the U.S. to ensure healthy animals and robust milk production

A hand holds a smart phone in a grocery store, with a food-rating app displayed on its screen.

Great Expectations vs Reality of Food Healthiness in Online Grocery Shopping

A new study found that one of the key drivers behind negative reviews of online grocery sites is a mismatch between a products’ expected and actual nutritional value

A young man holding a PrEP pill.

Study Finds Users Prefer Daily Oral PrEP Pill Despite New Options

Drugs that prevent HIV infection have evolved, but new UConn research shows the standard option is still top with patients

Female student holding ice cream outside of Dairy Bar

Hazelnut MOOcha Latte Debuts at UConn Dairy Bar for Fall

Students show creativity, knowledge of food technology through a friendly competition to make the best ice cream flavor

Mosquito sucking blood from a human. (Getty Images)

UConn’s CVMDL Detects Eastern Equine Encephalitis Virus (EEEV) in a Donkey

The presence of mosquitoes carrying EEEV on the rise in Connecticut, according to surveillance program from CAES and testing from UConn's CVMDL

An active senior couple walks along a stone path on a sunny day while chatting.

Increasing Steps by 3,000 Per Day Can Lower Blood Pressure in Older Adults

'It’s exciting that a simple lifestyle intervention can be just as effective as structured exercise and some medications'

In the foreground, an older woman puts her arm around a young child as they walk together down a woodland trail. More children can be seen running and playing up ahead on the trail.

Trails and Active Living Program Expands Access to the Outdoors

A major initiative from UConn Extension, the UConn CT Trails Program is making it easier for wilderness explorers of all levels to hit the trails

Equipment harvesting the invasive plants.

Plants As a Tool for Roadside Contaminant Removal

Not a silver bullet, but these common invasive species can help clean up roadside contaminants

The city of Lviv, located in western Ukraine

Conflict and Commerce: A Journey to Support Founders in Ukraine

'In newly liberated cities, the business returns within days. The cities recover their shops, their supply chains, and people return to work'

(Peter Morenus/UConn Photo)

Serving and Celebrating Local Farms in Connecticut Schools

UConn Extension and partners forge connections between local schools and Connecticut farms with holistic programming and crucial funding