College of Agriculture, Health & Natural Resources
New Fuel Cell Gets New Look, Thanks to Student Design
The student design competition has helped spread awareness about the newly installed fuel cell at the Depot Campus
November 1, 2022 | Tanajah Fryer and Matthew Mancini
Greening with Equity: Dearth of Ecosystem Services Corresponds to Non-White Areas
A new UConn study explores how communities of color remain excluded from all that nature has to offer
November 1, 2022 | Anna Zarra Aldrich, College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources
‘The Problem is Nature Just Isn’t Natural Anymore’
As Connecticut’s trees are pushed to the brink by climate change, UConn researchers are working to help make New England woodlands more resilient
October 31, 2022 | Elaina Hancock
Researcher Finds ‘No News is Bad News’ When it Comes to COVID-19 and Consumer Dining Behavior
Studies from UConn economists found that providing the public with more information about the current state of COVID-19 spread made dining out more appetizing
October 31, 2022 | Anna Zarra Aldrich, College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources
Amy Harder Appointed Associate Dean of UConn Extension
Harder will lead UConn Extension's programs, which serve all of Connecticut's 169 municipalities
October 28, 2022 | Anna Zarra Aldrich, College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources
UConn Magazine: The Kitchen QB
Cauliflower curry, plant-based chili, and how Jordan Mazur ’12 (CAHNR) helps keep the San Francisco 49ers in fighting shape.
October 28, 2022 | Mike Enright '88 (CLAS), University Communications
New UConn Student Apartments to Include Modern Amenities, Clean Energy Technologies
Outmoded Mansfield Apartments will be replaced by state-of-the-art housing
October 26, 2022 | Stephanie Reitz
From Wyoming Mountains to Connecticut Forests, Tracking Feline Apex Predators
UConn researchers have developed a model for tracking apex feline predators like mountain lions and bobcats in the wild
October 25, 2022 | Anna Zarra Aldrich, College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources
Ross and Becky Person Provide a Lifetime of Support to Extension & 4-H
Life-long 4-H volunteers turn their love of Extension into programs that benefit their whole community
October 24, 2022 | Stacey Stearns, College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources & UConn Extension
Opening the Gates for Arctic Science
This work provides fundamental understanding of how the Arctic is responding to climate change
October 19, 2022 | Anna Zarra Aldrich, College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources