College of Agriculture, Health & Natural Resources

Eric Atanga

Meet undergraduate student Eric Atanga

Eric Atanga’s journey to the Department of Pathobiology and Veterinary Science has not been without difficulty. He earned a degree in psychiatric nursing from the Nurses’ Training College in Ghana, then an associate degree in liberal arts and sciences at Connecticut’s Manchester Community College. He feels that this is the best time to be alive, […]

Chandi Watharana

Researcher teaches students to use remote sensing for the global good

Chandi Witharana is an assistant research professor in the Department of Natural Resources and the Environment (NRE) in the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources. He conducts research in, and teaches, remote sensing, the use of satellite imaging at different electromagnetic wavelengths to map the surface of the Earth. Witharana has used remote sensing […]

Rylyn Koger

Meet undergraduate student Rylyn Koger

Animal science major Rylyn Koger has spent time living in California as well as on her family’s small homestead farm in Texas. She has always wanted to be a practicing veterinarian, and now after a year at the College, she is also considering a vet specialty such as reproductive genetics. When asked what she considers […]

Stephen Kelly

Meet undergraduate student Stephen Kelly

Growing up in western Connecticut, landscape architecture student Stephen Kelly felt familiar with New York City, the place where he hopes to begin his career. When asked what he thought was a pressing issue of his generation, he said finding a way to integrate environmental and social justice in a way that benefits both, and […]

Jersey and Holstein cows graze on Horsebarn Hill in Storrs.

Economists produce study on effects of COVID-19 on the dairy industry

With support from the Richard DelFavero Fund, Rigoberto Lopez, professor in the Department of Acultural and Resource Economics, and Chris Laughton, director of knowledge exchange at Farm Credit East, have compiled a report on the impact of COVID-19 on the Connecticut dairy farm sector. The study was conducted at the request of UConn Extension, the Connecticut […]

Lab students at a computer

Department of Nutritional Sciences celebrates 50th anniversary

This year the Department of Nutritional Sciences (NUSC) in the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources will celebrate its fiftieth anniversary. A virtual celebration to mark the occasion will be held Thursday, September 17, from 1:00 to 2:30 PM. In addition to achieving this milestone, in May 2020, the department was ranked seventh of ninety-six similar programs in […]

Sangyong Choi

Meet new faculty member Sangyong Choi

Sangyong Choi has joined the Department of Nutritional Sciences in the College of Agriculture, Health and Natural Resources as an assistant professor. He became familiar with the UConn program while attending nutrition conferences and was excited to become a member of the department in what he considers his dream job. Choi relocated to Connecticut with his wife, who is completing her Ph.D. in English […]

An NRCA participant displays an owl pellet.

Participants from across Connecticut receive virtual experience at Natural Resources Conservation Academy

Each summer since 2012, the Natural Resources Conservation Academy (NRCA) has hosted students and adults from across the state to learn about natural resources careers, see a variety of field collection technologies in action and engage with like-minded environmentally conscious peers. This summer, because of COVID–19, the NRCA hosted its first ever slate of virtual […]

Cristina Connolly and her dog, Sugar.

Meet new faculty member Cristina Connolly

This August, Cristina Connolly joins the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics as a new assistant professor. As a native New Englander, she is happy to return to this area, where the scale of farming suits her research focusing on smaller operations. As a faculty member, she plans to involve her students in community-based work […]

CAHNR Animal Science logo

A new life for an “old” technology

Animal cloning first hit the public eye in 1996 when Dolly the sheep was born. The next year, Professor of Animal Science Cindy Tian and her late husband Jerry Yang, also professor of animal science  and founding director of the UConn Center for Regenerative Biology, created the first cloned calf in North America. From then […]