
Laure Metz making experimental bow and arrow shots with arrows armed with Neronian light points

New Study Shows Archery Appeared in Europe Thousands of Years Earlier than Previously Thought

The use of bow-and-arrow technology gave humans an edge over Neanderthal neighbors in hunting game

The Darién Gap in Focus: Exhibition Centers the Stories of Migrants Traveling through Panama in Transit to the U.S.-Mexico Border

"The photographs connect us closer to the experiences of migrants transiting through Panama: shoes laying across the migratory reception center, two children under a tent sponsored by U.S. and E.U. aid, a Bible drying under the sun, children playing in the river, and border officials' increasing presence in Darién."

Students are taught how to gather tobacco in a barn.

Opening Eyes and Minds: UConn Experts Help Transform Connecticut K-12 Curricula

State turns to CLAS faculty for expertise on Black and Latino history, Asian American and Pacific Islander studies, and more

Melinda Das, a tenth grader at Whetherfield High School and one of the contributors to the “Picturing the Pandemic” exhibition, speaks during the opening reception of the exhibition at the Hartford Public Library

Pandemic Journaling Project Continues to Grow and Develop

The record of thoughts and feelings collected from around the globe during the pandemic has hit the road with a multimedia exhibition at the Hartford Public Library through December 15

2022 Human Rights Institute Funding Awards Announced

The Human Rights Institute is delighted to announce the results of our annual funding competitions.  We are honored to be able to support the study and scholarship of human rights across the university for undergraduates, graduate students, faculty, and staff.

Scenes from the Involvement Fair at Fairfield Way on September 7, 2022.

Native American and Indigenous Community Takes Shape At UConn

Momentum is building around Native American and Indigenous studies and programming at UConn, and new faculty and students are poised make UConn a New England hub for Native Studies and the broader Indigenous community

Mt. Vesuvius erupts in1880. Researchers are detailing a cataclysmic eruption of Vesuvius from thousands of years before the famous eruption that buried Pompeii. (Contributed photo).

Detailing a Disastrous Autumn Day in Ancient Italy

A trove information courtesy of a Vesuvius eruption - but not the one you may be thinking of

Archaeological sediment from Abu Hureyra being “floated” during the early 1970s to extract organic remains including seeds and wood charcoal.

Ancient Dung Reveals Earliest Evidence for Animal Tending

The beginning stages of humanity's revolutionary turn from hunting and gathering to full-fledged farming and herding

Headshots of new faculty members joining UConn's College of Liberal Arts and Sciences for Fall 2022 and Spring 2023.

Stellar Scholars Join CLAS Faculty

Eighteen new tenure-track faculty members will teach and conduct research in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences

UConn’s Gilman Scholars Samantha Valle ’24 (CLAS), Marissa White ’25 (CAHNR), Geraldine Uribe ’23 (CLAS), Guerlina Philogne ’24 (CLAS) (BUS), Rose Pacik-Nelson ’23 (CLAS), and Grace Coburn ’23 (CLAS) posing in the lobby at UConn Hartford.

UConn Produces An All-Time High 17 Gilman Scholars

Each Gilman Scholar is required to complete a service project upon their return from studying abroad in their campus or home community