School of Medicine

The original patient tower, left, and the new tower that together make up UConn John Dempsey Hospital. (Janine Gelineau/UConn Health Photo)

Hospital Tower at UConn Health Celebrates 1-Year Anniversary

University Tower at UConn Health is celebrating its one-year anniversary. Watch the video to relive the big moments.

Patient Satisfaction Soars in Hospital Tower’s 1st Year

As UConn Health celebrates the the opening of the new hospital tower one year ago, it’s also celebrating major gains in patient satisfaction scores.

UConn Health Graduates Classes of 2017

UConn Health held its 46th commencement exercises Monday at the Jorgensen Center for the Performing Arts in Storrs.

Young Heart Attack Survivor: ‘Don’t Ignore the Warning Signs’

Thirty-six year old Brad Lauer, a heart attack survivor, thanks UConn Health for a complete recovery and says even if you're young - don't ignore the warning signs of a heart attack.

ELSI Conference 2017

UConn Health/JAX to Host International Conference on Genomics and Ethics

A three-day international conference focusing on the ethical, legal and social implications of genomic research will be held June 5 - 7 on the UConn Health/JAX campus.

Law Changer Among UConn Health’s Nightingale Nurses

Jane Presnick-Lyon is a relentless advocate for the people she serves. In her line of work, that alone doesn’t make her stand out. It just makes her a nurse. What does make her stand out is, she’s a nurse who led a charge to change Connecticut law to help mothers of critically ill newborns. And […]

Kim DeGumbia talks with Dr. Danielle Luciano about the minimally invasive procedure she underwent at UConn Health. (Photo by Frank Barton)

Patient ‘Feels Like New Woman’ After Minimally Invasive Procedure

She’d been suffering for months but the usual treatments didn’t help. So Kim DeGumbia turned to Dr. Danielle Luciano at UConn Health, a Center of Excellence in Minimally Invasive Gynecology. Now Kim is feeling great and back to her normal routine. Watch the video to learn more about the benefits of minimally invasive surgery.

Female dermatologist examining female patient's skin with dermascope, carefully looking for signs of skin cancer. (Getty Images)

Melanoma’s Signature

On Melanoma Monday, UConn Health dermatologist Sam Dadras discusses his research, which found a molecular signal that could distinguish which skin cancers need more aggressive treatment.

UConn Health May 2017 Programs, Events

Here is a list of UConn Health programs scheduled for May and early June 2017. This information will be updated with any additions or other schedule changes. Free Discovery Series: “A Conversation About Multiple Sclerosis” Monday, May 1, 6:30 to 8 p.m., Cell and Genome Sciences Building, 400 Farmington Ave. Multiple sclerosis (MS) is an […]

Howard Tennen Wins Faculty Recognition Award

UConn Health’s Board of Directors has named Howard Tennen, Ph.D., the 2017 winner of its Faculty Recognition Award. A Board of Trustees Distinguished Professor in the Departments of Community Medicine and Health Care and Psychiatry, he joined UConn Health faculty 39 years ago.